Part: 7}{Who would have thought that sticks could be so harmful?}

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I am so so sorry for not updating in like a month, I was traveling to places without internet and where I couldn't bring my computer. And I was not in the mood to write for a long time, but I don't want to be one of those writers who just don't continue writing and say anything! So here you go, another chapter!

*3rd Prs POV*

The moment he stepped out of the portal, he knew he was in trouble, he was stuck on an Island.

All around him was water, the land didn't even stretch for 20 meters; sand, that was all there was, there wasn't even a portal back. Except for the small wooden boat to his left with two paddles.

With no better idea, he brought the boat into the water and sat in it; he grabbed the oars and started rowing to the right, when in doubt, go right.

He kept on going for at least an hour, then, he spotted land, it was very far away. Log houses spotted the edge of the water, a dock stretched out from the land.


If I get there, I will be able to find Shoto!

Suddenly, something launched from the land in front of him, it looked almost like...

A rocket.

And it was coming right for him.


*3rd Prs Pov*

"So we're going to do this again, but not on land?" the boy with red and blue glasses asked the boy who was swiping a keycard into the system. The covering of the red button popped off, "yep, it's heading for the water."

"Are you ready?" he looked at the glasses boy, he nodded.




His hand slammed down on the button.

The nuke launched itself, flying towards the water, the moment it hit the water, a large wave washed towards the two.

It hit them and washed them into the water, "gah! You good Tubbo!?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just glad that it wasn't big enough to do any damage to the buildings."

They walked up onto the land, and a message popped up on the chat:

<Server> EnjiBitch Died From A Stick


*Shoto's POV*

I turned towards the sound of where my name was called, there, standing, (well he wasn't really standing, he was more floating) was Bakugou.

"Bakugou?" he tilted his sideways, "yes?"

Oh my gosh, I never would have thought that I would be able to see him like this.

"Are you dead?" he looked down at his body and seemed to just realize that he was floating and transparent.

His eyes expanded and looked back up at me, "I-I guess?"

Karl looked between me and Bakugou, "was this the guy who died?" he questioned.

"Yes, and it's very weird to not see him screaming and shouting."

He floated closer to me, "Do you know where Deku is?"

"Actually I don't know where he is, but I'm sure we could look for him."

He nodded, and looked at Karl, "who are you?" he asked, "O-oh, I'm Karl, nice to meet you?"

"Nice to meet you too."

I kid you not, I almost died at that, hearing that in his voice was so cursed.

We started to walk again when a message appeared again at the bottom of my vision:

<Server> Enjibitch Died From A Stick

"I always knew it was going to be something stupid that would kill him," I sighed.

"I'm guessing you know him too?" Karl looks at me, "yeah, he's my dad."

We all stopped walking and I and Karl just started to stare at each other awkwardly.

"I can't tell whether you're happy about it or sad," he finally broke the silence.

"Me neither," I continued to walk up the path. 


Word Count: 612

MHA/BNHA Meet Dream SMP (Crossover) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now