Chapter 5

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                                                                                  Part 2: Addison

   It was too cold to go outside, so Jetta, Scarlet, and I stayed inside and watched a movie. Jetta and Scarlet, of course, were talking to each other. Then, I heard Scarlet say, "I don't want to go to school, because everyone's going to be asking if I'm okay."

   I then turned to her. "You're going to have to expect that whether you like it or not," I said. I immediately turned back to the movie and got lost in my own thoughts. "Guys, this movie is really good, you should be watching it," I said, but I don't think Scarlet and Jetta heard me, for they were still talking to each other, and it didn't surprise me one bit.

   A few minutes later, Mom and Dad came in and told us it was time to leave. As we got in the car, I heard Scarlet say something quickly to Jetta, but I didn't ask. It didn't matter, not right now...

   While we sat at a table in Fratelli's, I became curious. What had Scarlet told Jetta? That's when I looked at Jetta, who was sitting across from me and beside Scarlet. Jetta looked at me too.

   We both had close to the same thought: What did Scarlet have to say? Moments later, Scarlet caught my gaze, and then Jetta's. I could tell Scarlet was struggling with words as she looked from me to my sister. Then, she spoke.

   "Guys, what if I changed my last name to Moore?"

   Now this, I had not been expecting. Mom and Dad now looked at Scarlet. Everybody was in shock. We were all quiet for a few seconds, but then I decided I had to say something.

   "Why would you do that?" I asked, the shock on my face now in the tone of my voice. "Because, if I'm going to be in your family, I might as well share your last name," Scarlet replied.

   She had a point, actually. "Scarlet, are you sure?" Jetta asked. "Yes, I am," Scarlet answered. It was clear on her face, she wanted our last name.

Two FacesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora