Chapter 16

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  "What is wrong with you? Why do you have a gun?" I asked, slowly backing away. "Well, haven't you figured anything out at all?" Jetta replied. I slowly thought it over. The secret I was trying to keep before was that my family members were murdered. And Jetta had a gun...

   Oh my gosh, Jetta was responsible for...I got lost in my own thoughts, and forgot Jetta was standing there, until she shoved me from behind with the barrel of the gun. How she got behind me without me noticing, I didn't know.

   RUN, I thought. She won't shoot me. She won't. So I started running to go inside, and I didn't look back. That was a bad mistake.

   Beginning to run faster, I tripped and fell, and the world went black.

   Slowly starting to wake up, the first things I noticed were I couldn't move, and my head really hurt. "And you thought you were going to get away." I heard Jetta's voice from somewhere. That was another thing. The room was very dark. As my eyes adjusted, I realized I was tied to a chair. I also noticed that Jetta was standing in the corner of the room.

   "Where's my phone?" I asked, looking around. "Oh, this?" Jetta said, holding up my phone. "Yeah, you won't be needing it," she said, tossing it to the ground, and stepping on my phone, smashing it. My next thought: Where's Jetta's phone?

   "What do you want!?" I yelled. Jetta then walked forward. She caught my gaze, her eyes were pretty, and deadly. "Well, I had to get you alone before rid of you too," Jetta answered.

   "You wouldn't hurt me. You wouldn't," I said determinedly. Before I had a chance to blink, Jetta had a knife at my throat. "I wouldn't?" she whispered in my ear. "No," I replied, frozen. That's when the blade went across my throat, but not deep enough to kill me. I winced in pain, and fought back a scream.

   "I wouldn't?" Jetta said firmly. That's when her phone rang. She put the knife down on a table or something behind me, and answered it. The table. That's where Jetta's phone was. 

   "Oh, um, Scarlet was feeling sick so I had to take her home." Jetta told whoever was on the other end of the line. I wanted to scream, but I knew that would cost me. I now knew that Jetta had a gun and a knife, and she wasn't afraid to use them, given she had slit my throat. Jetta had hurt me...

   I could feel the blood running down my throat, and where Jetta had cut me stung. After Jetta was done on the phone, she walked in front of me. "So, here's the deal. I'm going to get the others, and I'm leaving you here while I do. Don't try anything, or it's going to be a lot worse than what I've already done." she told me. So Jetta planned on killing me slowly, and painfully. But why? Why had she killed the others in the first place?

   Another thought came to me. Was Jetta bringing them back here? Wherever 'here' was? No, of course not. Then they would find me and Jetta would be caught.

   As Jetta walked out the door, her brown eyes burned into mine. I refused to let myself be scared.

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