Chapter 11

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                                                                                      Part 4: Tori

   When I walked into the library, Scarlet was already there, like always. Something was different about her. She was very pale, and she didn't look very happy. And trust me, I knew when Scarlet was happy.

   I wouldn't say that Scarlet and I were very close, but I would say that her and I were really good friends. When I walked up to the table, Scarlet didn't look up at me. Something was very wrong. "Scarlet, are you okay?" I asked, putting down my stuff. She didn't answer, she just kept looking at the ground, and I wasn't going to annoy her.

   A few seconds later, Louise walked in, sided by Addison. That's kind of weird, I thought. Addison wasn't supposed to be in our fourth hour. When Louise saw the confusion on my face, she motioned me over.

   "Ok. So, Scarlet's parents and brothers are dead and she's living with Jet and Addi. That's all Jet told me. She also told me that her parents died while she was at hers and Addi's house," Louise said. "And I'm pretty sure that Jet or Addi is in each one of Scarlet's classes." she added. "Oh, that explains it." I replied. "But I think something else is wrong because Scarlet basically ran out the door, as soon as the bell rang in second hour, and Jetta ran after her." Louise told me, looking past my shoulder at Scarlet.

   "Well, she's probably just really heart-broken." I decided. "Yeah, I guess." Louise sighed, going to sit at the table Scarlet was at. That's when Mrs. Owens, the librarian, noticed the mood in the room wasn't the same as every other day. Me, being the only one standing, walked over and told Mrs. Owens what I knew.

   After I was sitting down for a while, the silence became strangely loud. It was too quiet, and the room was getting depressing. "So, how is everyone?" I asked, but then wished I wouldn't have. Stupid, I thought. I already knew how they were.

   "I could be better," Scarlet answered, and when she said that, I saw Addison look up from what she was doing. She was staring at Scarlet, as if surprised. "So you're finally talking to people," Addison said. "Yeah. I mean, it's not going to help if I don't," Scarlet answered.  

   "Ok, so I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that something else is wrong," Louise said. "Oh, not you too!" Scarlet exclaimed, laying her head on the table she was sitting at.

   "I saw the way you took off out the door as soon as the bell rang in second hour, and Jetta took off after you, without talking to me, which is unusual," Louise said. "For the last time, everybody quit asking me if something's wrong, because there's not," Scarlet said, her voice now shaking. "Maybe you should quit questioning her." I told Louise, knowing Scarlet was getting upset. But Louise was right, there really was something else wrong with Scarlet. The question was: What?

   The next thing I saw was Scarlet was really jumpy. Whether it was a door closing or opening, or the pages of a book turning, Scarlet got startled very easily. "Scarlet?" I said quietly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

   "I'm sure," Scarlet replied. But I could see it in her eyes, she wasn't sure. There was a lot more to this than everyone was seeing.                           

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