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I was woken up by the ringing sound of my phone, I forced my heavy eyes open to see the caller, it was an unknown number. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. All I needed was more of my nap.
I don't remember what happened, all I Knew was that I was horny and I used my hand to masturbate. I remember Muzi coming with Hlori and that was it. I had no idea how I ended up in my bedroom or how long I've been sleeping. It was dark which meant it wasn't the following day.

My phone kept on ringing, it was another unknown number. I ignored it and went to take a quick shower. I stood in front of my mirror and looked at the person I saw. It didn't feel like me, I was totally a different person, I was no longer the bubble and happy self I used to be. I had bags under my eyes, my hair was messy. My eyes screamed dread and great sadness. For the first time in my life, I regretted my decision. I wasn't the kind of person who regretted anything. No matter how wrong I was, I always forgave myself and moved on. But I will never forgive myself for committing myself to Muzi, I should have slept with him, took cash, and moved on to the next blesser.

It was amazing how people, especially on social media, wished to be me. They wished to live in a mansion the size of a castle-like I did, not knowing I was in solitude, a deserted place with a facade of a palace.

Something brought me back to Earth, my body. It was bruised, my breasts had scratches, it could be me when I felt horny but my arms had marks like I had been grabbed by large hands. I've seen something like this in horror movies, something was haunting me…

I thought about calling mom but I knew dad would give me a hard time, so I resorted to her advice… To pray. That was what she'd have said anyway. I sighed…
It was moons ago since I last prayed, I think I was seven years if I wasn't mistaken. I quitted when I realized God had his favorites. Mom was praying every day but we remained poor. What was the point? If God really loved us as Christians claim why would he let his people suffer? I was in this mess because he never answered my mother's prayers. If it wasn't for my poor background I wouldn't have been sleeping with old men to secure the bag, I wouldn't have married a man I didn't love, I wouldn't have found myself in this servitude, I wouldn't be stuck in with the witches.

I looked at the mirror again, the bruises were no more. I took my eyes off the mirror and looked at myself to confirm… My skin was clear. I felt a cold breeze on my back, I noticed there was someone behind me, He was probably ten feet tall.
Let me paraphrase…there was a ten feet tall, a red-eyed shadow behind me! No English words would describe how grotesque the thing was. I didn't even get the time to analyze the creature because it disappeared. The only thing I saw was its silhouette and piercing red eyes.

Instantly, I was on my knees.
"Please God help me, I know I sinned, I know I don't like you and I'm not much of your fan but please, please…"
I stuttered, I was saying please, it was the only thing I could say. I wasn't sure what my plea was but God really exists he'd know already.

"Please help me, Jesus. Please kill whatever this is before it kills me" my whole body shuddered, I was scared"


A peal of evil laughter echoed, I closed my eyes before it was too loud.
A foreign language was spoken, drawers opened and closed themselves. I sat there in a fetus position and rocked myself back and forth.

A hand touched my shoulder and I jumped in fear… it was Mbali. What was she doing here and who let her in. If she saw the mess in my room she'd think I was crazy and take me to asylum… perhaps that was where I belonged.

I realized that my room was clean, the drawers were closed. The only messy thing was my bed because I had been sleeping on it. It was official… I was crazy.

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