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Today Mpumie was taking me to someone who was an exorcist. So today we're going to him so we could consult with him.
I prayed for him to find the solution so that I can get out of that hell hole.

It was awkward riding with Mpumie, we were not close but you could see she was fond of me, that was what scared me the most. I didn't know who to trust. Why would she suddenly show interest in helping me? She saw Ntombi's friend. Surely she knew her deeds. If she was genuine towards me, then she was a foul friend to Ntombi. That also raised another suspicion, if she could betray her friend, she could do the same to me since I meant nothing to her.

At this point, I didn't know which decision to take. I was already in the front seat of her Porsche Macan, so there was no going back. The only thing I could do was to stay hopeful and give her the benefit of the doubt.

"The nice car you have," I said, breaking the loud silence. I needed small talk to prevent myself from over-thinking.

"Thanks, baby. Once your life get back to normal, I will borrow you since you like it" 
I don't see that happening.

"Why do you like me so much?"
She signed, "I see myself in you, you are the reflection of myself. You remind me of my original self"

"Are you fake?" silly right? But I had to ask

"Yes, I was just like you when I met my husband. I was just a girl from a less privileged home. I came to the city, met my husband and got married, and forgot about school. After a few years of acting like a trophy wife, I remembered my background. I missed the life I lived, I thought money was everything but… Never mind. Just so you know Ntombi and the other ladies are nice to hang out with but we are not on the same page. So how are nerves?"
She wasn't making any sense, but since I was being dismissed I will mind my own business.

" I don't know" I had mixed emotions, I wanted to be happy that I might get help but I was scared, confused, and hopeless. My mind was just in a gray area.

"Just cool your jets. Everything shall be fine"

After an hour we reached our destination. The gate automatically opened, I guess we were expected, guests. The yard was immaculate, had a jeweled lawn, and flowers were blooming. It was a perfect example of greener pastures. I could live here forever. It was peaceful.

A white, middle-aged man welcomed us. His home was beautiful, modern stylish. Just not as beautiful as Ntombi's. Why was I even thinking about her?

He led us to his office and offered us some refreshments.
" We have a lot of work to do ladies" straight to the point. Thank you!

"Mahlori, Mpumie gave me a little brief about your situation. But I need you to tell me everything so we can evaluate every detail. I need as much information as possible to help us identify the demon… if it's a demon"  He had introduced himself as Lucas Acker. He had a notebook and pen in his hands, ready to jot everything I told him.

I explained everything from wet dreams to where Muzi said I was yet to meet my husband, I then told him about the creature I saw in my mirror.

"So you think, you married a ghost?" I nodded.

"Ghosts usually make their appearance in foul smells, whispers, chilly temperature, movement of objects. Did you experience any of these?"

"except for the foul smell, I experienced it all… I saw its silhouette, it was red-eyed"

"This means if you are not possessed, there will be no need for exorcism. Getting rid of ghosts can be complicated because some are stubborn but it is much easier than dealing with a demon. Go back home and pack your bags, there is a safe place in this house. We can't do anything in that house because the owners of it are the ones that are bringing evil to their own house. "

" What if it follows me, Ntombi said we are blinded by blood"

"That's exactly what we want, for it to follow you here, we will then evict it from Earth, I don't deal without ghosts so a friend and a colleague of mine will help in this case, if we are really dealing with a ghost it wouldn't be hard to break the blood bond"

"Thank you so much"

"As I said earlier, we have a lot to do. There are other possibilities. It could be a demon. If you said it was red-eyed, it could be the demon given that you said you saw your sister and she disappeared. Demons can change appearances and be anything it wants you to see. Especially people who are closer to your heart" He explained as my heart dropped, the little hope I had was gone.

If it was a demon, Lucas would have to collect the evidence and work with mental health care to make sure I'm not suffering from any mental illness. Sometimes people think they are seeing things or possessed while it was just hallucinations. Those were Lucas's words. Apparently, the law doesn't allow exorcism to take place without medical assessments by qualified doctors.
I did not even understand how health and possession relate. Doctors always have some diagnosis, what if they say I'm crazy?

"It is going to be hard because I sense no demon in you. We still need to identify its rank was well"


"At Least you will be out of that house, should anything happen Lucas will be there to help you. I will also come and see you until the problem is found" Mpumie said, noticing my restlessness. We were on our way back.

"Yeah, that's what I'm grateful for" I won't be dealing with Ntombi and Nonhle anymore.

"Ntombi shouldn't know I'm helping you, okay"


The first thing I did when I came back was to pack. Lucas gave me a crucifix to get me through the night. He suspected that whatever was that we were dealing with might sense that I'm leaving and attack.

Lucas said if I remember anything, I should tell him immediately.
I sent him a text.



Thanks to Lucas, nothing happened to me during the night. I woke up and went to eat breakfast. All my housemates were gathered at the dining table. They seemed to be getting along very well.

"Good morning, dear," Ntombi said, age was badly trying to smile, but she looked like a mess. I guess she was still suffering from whatever made people aroused.

They all smiled at me. Fine… I played along. I didn't want them to suspect anything. I would sneak out when they were out of sight. I was planning on taking important things only but I decided against it just in case they used my belongings to bewitch me. Ntombi dished out for me.

"How did you sleep?"  Muzi asked.

"Well thank you," I said, stuffing myself with a greasy breakfast.

"So did you consider having a baby with me?"  I wasn't going to entertain that topic.


"Well, you will" I stood up fed up but I was feeling drowsy"
Nonhle ran to me and helped me sit down, I wondered what they were up to. I regretted eating their food. I thought I was playing them but they were the best players. I Iaid my head on the table and drifted off to sleep

The demon's wifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang