Things Are Crashing

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Things have not been so good since Mahlori left. Our businesses started to face a financial crisis, it was still manageable since we had a lot of money lying around but if we keep on working on a loss, we might go broke in less than a year. We made some sacrifices for Arazyal but nothing worked. Usually, he shows the sign of acceptance or refusal to sacrifices, but this time it was nothing. Even when I summoned him, he did not appear.

"My love, don't stress too much. Remember a baby is growing inside of you?" Muzu held my hand to comfort me.

"Sibiya, what if Arazyal abandoned us?" As much as he was a pain in the ass, his riches were keeping us going. Should he decide not to work with us, everything that we had would disappear like it never existed.

"I don't think so. Maybe he is currently satisfied with what is happening"

"Your thoughts may be wrong. The only solution to this is Mahlori!" I never understood the obsession Arazyal had with Mahlori. Muzi could still marry someone else. There are a lot of naive girls out there. Nonhle was even available, she was just a piece of useless furniture that does nothing other than eating, shopping, and sleeping.

"What if it didn't work, Arazyal wants a naturally conceived baby?" it couldn't be. Technology is the devil's field.

"He should communicate with us then!"

I would say there was a possibility that Mahlori wasn't pregnant but I was sure she was. I went to my altar and drank the blood that we mixed when Mahlori first came here. It was still hot and fresh. Arazyal made sure of that. After I drank the blood I could feel Mahlori's heartbeat. It was strong and I could also feel the baby's. The challenge was to locate her, she was somewhere safe and that was bad for us. I was hoping she would At Least abort so maybe we could get hold of the baby's soul.

What annoyed me more was this Nonhle. All she did was eat like a pig and expect everyone to clean after her…
I groaned in anger as I picked up the plate she was using on the floor.

"Nonhle, how many times do I have to tell you to wash your plates. You don't have a maid in this household"  she ignored me and continued to watch the TV like I wasn't there. I marched to and grabbed her by her neck threatening to strangle her but I was sent flying across the wall.

I picked myself up, surprised by her strength "You forget what I can do to you" her voice was loud and feminine but her authority wasn't hers. That wasn't Nonhle.

She came to me, her hand on my neck. "I  will show you how it's done" she tightened her grip. I peed on myself because of suffocation. My feet were still on the floor but I was already struggling to breathe. Her eyes had turned black.

"I'm sorry, Nonhle,"  I said, although I knew who I was dealing with. She put her hand on my belly, it was starting to show.
I froze at her touch, my body felt cold
"Just because you are pregnant, you think you are better. You forget that I gave you this baby, I could stop his heart with the snap of my fingers''

"I'm not powerful enough to get to Mahlori, I need seven virgins by the end of today. If I don't get those virgins or Mahlori by tonight. I will take this baby. His little soul will give me more power I want"

After that, she removed her hand from my tummy and let go of my neck. She then collapsed. After I nursed my sore throat and got enough air, I shifted my attention to Nonhle, who was in her deep sleep.
"Nonhle!"  I shook her, she opened her eyes. They were back to normal, but her skin was pale to a point where you can see the green veins. It didn't help that she was light-skinned.

"Was I sleepwalking?" She looked disoriented but I had too many problems explaining things to her. It seemed like Arazyal had left her. Nonhle looked dead by just occupying Arazyal's spirit. It meant he was getting powerful.

"Baby" Muzi had gone running some errands, I guess he was back.

"He wants seven virgins by tonight, where are going to get them?" I looked at the time, it was half-past four already. We only had a few hours to find the girls. Many girls were still sealed out there but they were not written on their foreheads!

He drops the documents he was carrying as his hands went to his head. "Arazyal is demanding too much" tears were threatening in his eyes.
Muzi had always been a weakling. If it wasn't for me, I don't know what would have become of him.

"Is Sbusiso winning with Mpumie?"  the answer was not but I ask anyway. I always wondered how a young girl like her could be so strong and stubborn.


"I'm done being nice! Make sure Hanyani loses her job, kill Ahlulani's husband, and burn that house in Limpopo. I want Mahlori's family to suffer until she comes out of her hiding" I ordered, this was too much for me, I never signed up to be a demon's slave. Arazyal was selfish, we gave him everything we had, but he did not appreciate anything.

I felt cramps on my tummy. "Muzi!"
Muzi rushed me to the hospital, the gynecologist was already waiting for us.

"You should get used to this since you are approaching the second trimester. The cramps are caused by the expansion of the uterus causing the muscles and ligaments to stretch" she explained with a smile, as she helped me lay on the bed.

The pains were severe, there was nothing normal about them. The doctor checked the heartbeat, it was normal. There were no complications. "You see, I told you. It's good that you're cautious about your pregnancy given your age. The pains should cease soon"
I guess she was right, the pains had stopped.

"If you experience such in future, try to do relaxation exercises or change your sitting position. Don't forget to drink a lot of water. if the pains last more than just a few seconds, don't hesitate to come here"

We were on our way back home when the cramps came again, more brutal this time "Muzi we need to go back" I was in a panic, I've been wanting to keep my baby for years, I couldn't afford to lose this baby.

I gestured for him to stop the car, I was nauseated. I vomited before I could get out of the car. Muzi came to my side with a tissue and wiped my sweaty face. It was starting to get dark, we were running out of time. We needed to find the girls before I lost my son… I assumed I was a boy because Arazyal was referring to my baby as he. He already knew the gender.

"You are swelling" tears were already streaming, he was shaking. I followed his eyes to my tummy. It was growing. I looked like someone who was seven months old. How could a tummy grow this rapidly in a few minutes? All of this screamed Arazyal.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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