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I woke in my room, wondering what they did to me. My phone was on the side stand, I had tons of missed calls from Mpumie and Lucas.
I was about to call Mpumie when Ntombi invited herself in with a fruit platter.
"I'm not going to eat that" I snapped before she could say 'eat, dear'

"But you've only eaten in the morning" I've never seen such nuisance in one person.

"I can make my own food"  my stomach was rumbling, but I knew better than to eat anything from Ntombi.

"Trust me I'm not here to fight I just want peace" Peace left foot.

"By drugging me? Ntombi, I don't want to talk to you. Please get out or I will. Choose… It's your house after all" I was really tired of doing the same thing every day, telling Ntombi and her husband to get away from me.

"I just want peace—"

"Take your peace where the sun doesn't shine. I don't want it" She sighed and placed the platter on the dressing table. She looked a bit better from the past few days. Maybe the curse had been passed to Nonhle. I had to get out of here before it came back to me. I would never understand the deeds of this household.

"You need to eat, even if it's not this. Please go to the kitchen or  order in just eat"
Why does she care? Oh my word I can't be pregnant. I cannot be pregnant. What if they drugged me only to rape me so I could conceive. If that was the case then I would need a morning after.

"Fine, get out" I order, her presence suffocated me. That woman always intimidated me from the first first day I met her. Now I understood why, she had a dark aura of wickedness. Even when she was smiling.

After she left, I called Mpumie "I've been worried sick!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I fell asleep"

"For the whole day?"
That was when I realized that the sun had set.

"I think they know about our plan, I fell asleep after I ate breakfast with them, don't judge me I didn't want to raise suspicion"

"You raised suspicion the moment you dined with them. They know you hate them. It would be normal for you not to eat with them. We need to get you out of there as soon as possible"

I walked to my closet, the luggages were in the same position as I left them. I did well by locking them there.

"Maybe, they don't know I wanted to escape" I said, they would have confronted me or let me go since they knew I would always come back to them because we are 'binded by blood'. I think they drugged me because they had another agenda that I don't know of.

"I will come to visit Ntombi. Maybe we can figure out how to get you out of there. Lucas was worried too. Please call him" We bid each other goodbye and hung up.
I was about to call Lucas when I felt an agonizing sensation on my lower abdomen. It felt like period pains, but it was too early for me to ovulate, I know I missed my date for contraception but I'm sure I hadn't wore off as yet.
I went to the kitchen to myself something to eat, I also brought along hot water hot water bottle,it usually does the trick in easing pain.

"Are you okay?"

"You told me to eat, Ntombi I'm eating"
I closed my eyes as the pain got worse. One of the reasons why I'm always on contraception was to avoid period pains.

Ntombi didn't say anything, she just left but came back a few minutes later with Muzi. It was suprising that he was always around. But when we got married he was always out and busy. When I reflected back to everything that had been happening, I felt like I fool. The signs were there, those two were creepy. Another thing that confused me was the treatment that Nonhle got, it looked like I was a foe to the three of them while Nonhle was their ally. Why do I feel like Nonhle knew everything that was happening in that house? She suggested I devorce Muzi, a few days later she moved in. She got better treatment than me, she never had problems with spiritual husband. Maybe they worked together way before I met Muzi.

My thoughts were interrupted by Muzi holding my hand, he led me to the lounge. I was in too much pain to protest.
"What did you do to me?" I knew what ever was happening to me had to do with whatever they put on my food.

Muzi pinned me down and injected me on the neck. I started feeling drowsy like I did earlier on, the cramps we still sharp.

"It was supposed to be three days" Muzi said to Ntombi looking confused, she shrugged… my vision was blur but I could hear what they were saying although I didn't understand what they were on about.

" I know but she was having period pains, we have to be fast"
That was the last thing before my body gave in to darkness.


When I opened my eyes, Mpumie was sitting beside me. "You're are finally awake, what's with you and sleeping?" she was her jolly self as usual.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"Dude, I told you I was going to come by. Don't worry about Ntombi, I told her we are planning the charity party…remember the one we spoke about the first day you had lunch  with us?" yeah I remember, that day was when I started seeing signs, when I heard a hissing sound that led me to that room. When Ntombi told me I was sneaking. The same day Zodwa told me to get out of that house. I should have listened to her but I was too gullible to smell the coffee.

" Yes, so how are we going to get out?"

"The gardner will help us. Throw your luggages through the window but first dress up because we are going for shopping"  I couldn't believe Mpumie would go into this extent helping me.

I dressed up and did my make up, it's been long since I actually looked glam. A lot had been happening in my life and I forgot to even take care of myself. I didn't even remember when was the last time I worked out.
Mpumie'a plan worked, we were able to walk out with just our clutch bags.
Mpumie even offered Ntombi to join us but she wasn't interested… Good. I wonder if she agreed. Mpumie was a sucker for danger.

My body was still tired from being drugged. I told Mpumie about everything and suggested we see a doctor. The doctor took my blood samples and got them tested for any toxins. Thanks to rich Mpumie, we were able to get results within two hours. Ntombi used sleeping drugs for me to fall asleep, so the doctor flushed it out. I also did a pregnancy test, It came back negative. I also asked to be checked if I wasn't penetrated —I mean raped in my sleep… Nothing seemed to be odd, which raised many  questions, why would they drug me twice?


"Arazyal is a demon that came to earth and slept with human wives. He had been defeated and commanded back to hell long time ago. I don't how he came back or who helped him. With each soul he owns, he gets too powerful. Let's hope he has a few souls on his name otherwise we are doomed. The demon's draw power from human souls, the more people subject to him, the more he becomes unstoppable. It's tricky because he didn't possess you. We need someone he is using as his host so that we can exorcize that person. It's hard to deal with a demon in its true form"
He explained, by the time he finished I was dead scared, I didn't know this thing could be this deep. I thought Muzi was just a ritualist who had a snake for a pet or he married me off to the ghost… A whole demon? How did he pull this?

"What if he has no host?"

"We'll have to summon him and talk to him and then trap him in a circle. My friend who is a demonologist will know what to do"

"Okay, let's go for it"

"Since Arazyal is into you, we'll have to use you as a bait. And what you need to know is that if you are not spiritually strong you could even die. You only saw his shadow but you almost lost your mind. It would be worse if you meet him in his true form. Are you up for this?" I swear my heart was on my throat, I was in the verge of vomiting it out of my body. I was between the land of the living and the land of the dead.

I was sure Arazyal was going to kill me in the end, so this was the matter of death and death.

" I'm not a believer. Well not until now"

"Now that you know the devil exists, it should tell you that God exists too. I can not help you of you don't have faith. Faith is power, your weapon while fear and doubt will make Arazyal will feed on it and be powerful. We won't perform this until you are sure. Get rid of doubt, get rid of fear."
. Unedited

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