Father's Call

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My heart skipped a bit as I saw my father's incoming call, it was the last call I've ever expected. I was praying that he changed his mind about me coming home, maybe he was worried about my well being. I never called since that day.

"Hello, dad"

"Mahlori, are you okay in your head?" judging by that raucous voice, I guess I was wrong.

"Muzi picked you from the streets, he married you, he gave you a home. You are a rich woman, if it wasn't for him you'd be still whoring around destroying your already blur future. I'm sure you'd be dead because of HIV. Is this how you thank him? By running away?" How mature of him to run to my father.

" Dad, mother told you I was being abused and you shouted"

"Being abused my left foot! Are you not the one who said you wanted to get married? I told you the man was too old for you and you can't be a second wife. Did you listen? No" he forgot to mention that he changed his mind when he was offered money. If it wasn't for my mother, he would have taken that million without hesitating.
That alone should have alerted me… who pays a whole million for a lobola? It was the first sign that I was nothing but an investment to him to make him more millions. I was just too green to notice.

My father brought me back to Earth with his shouting "I want you to go back to your house, fix your marriage otherwise you can forget about me as your father. I will never allow you to set your foot in my house, don't call my wife and my children. Look at Ahlulani, it's been years since she has been married, she knows how to be a wife. Unlike you whore!"
We were back to square one, I was being compared to my older sister and now I was being disowned.

So I had to get back to Muzi or else I would have no family. I couldn't live with Lucas forever, I would have to go once I was safe. I wouldn't want to burden Mpumie.

"I'm not going to go back dad, sorry"

"That's why I never wanted you to go to Durban, look how that city had spoiled you, not only did you lose your morals, you have the nerve to defy me"

"I'm sorry"

"You are  selfish, Mahlori. Didn't you say you want to change the situation of this house?" he had calmed down, his voice was no longer tout as before. That was what I said years ago when I came here for university, that I would change the situation at home

"Yes, I did. I will go back to school"

"and who will continue with the renovations in this house? Who will buy us food and take care of us when you are at school. What will people say? Do you know how much respect we have earned in this community. What will become of us if Muzi stops sending money for us?"
When I thought it couldn't get any more worse. Muzi had been sending my family money. My own father chose money over me. Using Arazyal'a money means you belong to him…

"I have to go dad, bye" I hung before he could further curse at me. I went straight to Lucas who was busy with the other clients.

"Why is he giving my father money, Lucas?" I blurted out assuming he would understand what I was on about.

"Mahlori, I'm busy" these days he had been dismissing me on everything. I did my research on him and found out that he was one of the greatest exorsists in the world. He has dealed with higher ranks demons together with his team. So I doubt he was ignoring me because he didn't have a solution to my problem. Something else was bothering him.

"I'm just scared" I know my father and I doesn't see eye to eye, but I wouldn't want him to find himself under Arazyal reign.

"We'll summon him as soon as I make sure your baby is safe" His face and voice softened a bit.

Speaking of a baby, a few days ago we went to a doctor. I was indeed pregnant with Muzi's child. Two weeks pregnant, I didn't know how that happened because I've never been intimate with Muzi for more than two months. The doctor suspected that I got pregnant through IUI process. I showed her my ovulation calendar and it didn't correspond with the date I got pregnant with. She assumed my ovulation was stimulated with fertility drugs and semen was inserted straight to my uterus. She also stated another possible pregnancy procedures that doesn't include copulation. No one had an accurate knowledge of how I got pregnant except the demons themselves, Muzi and Ntombi. I also suspect witchcraft, I don't think they were clever enough to use the western processes. Perhaps they used voodoo on me that doctors wouldn't detect.

So I'm pregnant and I have no choice but to accept my baby, the very same one who could be the delay for my freedom. I won't only protect myself, but him or her too. Another thought hit me, once I'm free from Arazyal I won't have a home, my father doesn't want anything to do with me. I would be wondering on the streets with a baby…

My heart sank when I thought of my innocent child who would be a street kid from birth. I know circumstances forces me to accept my baby but I think I'm falling inlove. I would die before I let Arazyal get to her. I'd like a girl. A girl who wouldn't find herself in a situation like mine because of poverty. Only if I had a stable job.

I found myself in my knees, my forehead against my bed. "I know I may not be your favorite person, but I know my little bundle is innocent, his or her soul is still pure from all the evils of this world. Please release me from this prison, if it's not for me, let it be for my baby. May my child not suffer for my sins, may my family not suffer for my sins. My mother always says you are a good person and you answer prayers. Please answer mine as well. Amen"

I took my stand and sighed, this prayer was much better than the last one. I hope it will reach heaven. I forgot to pray for Mpumie. She was still in no reach and I was now scared for her life. What if something had happened to her?

"Did I interrupt?"
I jumped a bit startled, it was Lucas.
"I'm sorry, the door was open"

"It's okay" it was his house after all.

"I just wanted to let you know that Mpumie is okay, I haven't talked to her but Mary confirmed that she is okay. However she also needs some rescue. Please promise me that once we're done with you, you will you help me save her"

Without asking anything "I promise"

The demon's wifeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя