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For the first time in a long time, my life was peaceful. I was able to sleep at night  with no fears. The only challenge was to convince Lucas that I was more than ready to face Arazyal. I've seen him before, he had caught me off guard that's why I was scared, I think Arazyal was nothing but a coward that was chased from heaven and   came to Earth to seek power because obviously he had no chance in hell because Satan was in charge.
If he was as strong as Lucas said, he wouldn't have to use people to do his dirty work. I was ready to face him and tell him to fuck off…

"I'm ready!" I said Marching through the kitchen door. I was living with Lucas but my room was specifically designated for his clients I think… I wasn't sure what I was to him.

He was with a woman, she stared at me. Maybe she was just a jealous girlfriend. So  I ignored her "I'm ready for Arazyal"

"Mahlori, don't make a hasty decision"

"Why? You wanted me to be strong. I'm strong, I can feel the bravery in me. The sooner get this done the better I want my normal life back"

"You're too ambitious" ambition was a good thing.

"Why does it look like you're scared? Are you having second thoughts? I see you are scared of Arazyal. So much for preaching faith rather than fear" Lucas would never understand my urge to be free. It's been a week since I've been here, if we delay a day longer… Arazyal might be too powerful. How do we know how many lives he was destroying with each passing day?

"There is a large distinction between bravery and anger. With this bravado, you will find yourself lying on your back carrying dirt with your chest" I did not want to die. I sighed…


"No, don't beg. We'll do it in three days time" He said as his attention shifted back to his guest who was still staring at me.

"Mary?" Lucas called out, but she didn't snap out of it. My heart started beating hard against my ribs as she stood up from the barstool and slowly made her way to me without blinking.

"Lucas…" I whispered silently begging him to come at my rescue.

"Are you seeing something?" Lucas asked Mary who had put her hands on my shoulders.

"Get away from me!" I have her a hard pushed because she was starting to squeeze the life out of me.

"I'm sorry" She whispered "There's a profane aura I feel around you. There's a pure soul in you that is in danger"
I don't like clairvoyant people because they always speak in riddles. How can profane and pure be in one sentence.

"I'm sorry. Lucas, can we talk… in private" 
Lucas looked confused but after an unspoken conversation they had. He asked me to excuse them.
I called Mpumie, for the fifth time today. It went straight to voicemail. I was beginning to get worried. She had promised to visit me everyday but not even once did she come. The last time I saw her was when she dropped me off. Ever since then her phone never went through. I hope Ntombi didn't bust our plan and chastised her.

The phone rang in my hand, I clucked my toungue in irritation as Ntombi's name appeared on my screen. "What" I said coldly, I wouldn't have answered her but I was worried about Mpumie and I wanted to find out if she knew about our plan.

"You ran away" her gutteral voice gave me shudders.
Of course I ran away.

"What do you want from me, Ntombi?"

"Mpumie was worried sick about you, you went to the bathroom and never came out. Why did you run away?" so Mpumie pretended to have lost me. Why didn't she make contact though? This bitch could be lying.

"I am not coming back, you can bewitch me all you want, give it your best shot but I am gone. Nonhle might be a good wife for Arazyal, they complement each other anyways" I hung up and added her contacts to blocklist. Lucas would help me find out if Mpumie was okay.
Speaking of the devil, Lucas knocked and I invited him in.

"We have a problem"
No, I didn't want any problems.

"is Mpumie okay?"

"It's been long since I last spoken to her. But I'm sure she is okay. I would know if she wasn't"

"Then what's wrong?"

"Ntombi made a deal with Arazyal. Mary didn't get any details but Ntombi promised to sacrifice your baby for her healing"
So Mary was seer, she stared at me because she was being shown something.
It also made sense why Muzi wanted me to bear a baby. I remember when he said it would set me free as well. They wanted the baby to take my place.

"Muzi once mentioned that if I beared him a baby, I would be set free"

"Don't tell me you fell for that"
Marrying Muzi was foolish but I'm not as foolish as Lucas thought. I wasn't going to let him deceive me for the second time.

"Of course not."

"You need to know that anything that has to do with evilness is a lie. I'm sure your husband and his wife were deceived into living this life, they are just too deep to come out. Don't let the same thing happen to you. Demons like Arazyal are like windows , they seem transparent, they give you hope, they give you the view of everything you desire. Only find that there's a barrier." He stopped for a few seconds and pointed at the window." If you look through the window, you get the beautiful view but you can't really pass through because it is just a transparent glass that is a barrier." What he was saying made a lot of sense.

" I was lucky enough, I met you. You are going to get me our of the devil's territory" I said smiling widely.

"Yes, but you are already deep as it is. The mistake you did was doing what Muzi asked you to. The baby that you're carrying is a leverage Arazyal has against you. Ntombi gave him this child and he will want to claim it—" I shut him off before he could get farther and farther with his nonsense.

"I did not agree!"

"Oh, but you are pregnant anyway" it couldn't be true. I couldn't be pregnant, not with Muzi's child, not with the demon's child.

"I did a pregnancy test the day I came here. It's been months since I last had sex with Muzi or anyone for that matter. If it was his, I would be showing already"

"You said you were drugged before you came here?"

No, I went to the doctor for a check up. I was not raped…

"Or I'm carrying a demon child" That was the explanation of that whole nonsense. Arazyal had been having sex with me on my sleep and left his filthy seed.

"Mahlori, Mary saw Arazyal demanding a child that is made by you and Muzi"
I let out a loud sob. When I thought I was getting my freedom, now I have something inside me that is binding me with the Sibiya's. I guess Ntombi was right when she said we were bounded by blood and the only way out was death.

"Fine! We'll give Arazyal his little devil so he can leave me alone!" I said on my knees still sobbing.

"Sacrificing your own blood will not free you. Instead you will be subjecting to him, giving your soul and blood to him means you will have to serve him"

"I'm going to abort!"

When I thought I was seeing light at the end of the tunnel, this happened. How do I even abort a demon? The western medicine was never going to work.

"That is what they want you to do. To kill your child, by the time you abort, his or her soul would jump in the hands of Arazyal. That would be you sacrificing your child.
If it's a demon child like you say of which it's not, there's no way to abort it. To be sure we need to see a doctor and perform a sonogram. If it doesn't detect your baby it would mean it is a demon. If it does detect it would mean it's a human, Muzi's child. Both circumstances have no solutions though, we struck between a hard place and a rock"

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