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"Read to me, Darling" he stretched out on the large chair as the fireplace glistened on his pale skin.

She picked up the hickory-leathered book with fragile, coffee stained pages; and aimlessly turned the page.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." She sighed after the words slipped from her mouth.

"To Kill a Mocking Bird..nice choice" he let out a small chuckle.

He lifted her chin so they could daze into each other's eyes, just like a movie...that's how it seems, too good to be true.

She was alluring, exquisite, beyond anything ever created in this world. And she was his...all his.

"My beautiful girl" his voice was soft and quiet, his thumb skimmed over her cheek.

"If only it could be like this" the girl sighed, standing from his lap.

"Why?" He reached for her, asking as he didn't actually know.

"Look at us...the world is crumbling  around're fooling yourself if you think we could actually be more than a dream" she kissed his cheek gently.

He knew if he just said those three words...the world would mend and she would stay...but he refused.

"Wait please-" he stood from the chair, pleading

"You know I can't stay" she smiled weakly, and her body faded away.

Draco's POV:

"Wake up mate" Blaise shook me 

I raised from bed wiping my eyes.

"Same dream?" He walked over and sat down in the large chair.

"How could you tell?" I scoffed

"Wait! Please don't go!" He mimicked, laughing followed.

"Oh give my a break" I threw a pillow towards him.

"Was it like the others?" He asked

"No..same girl, but this time it was different" I sighed

"You don't recognize her?" He asked

"No but...she seemed almost, familiar this time"

"Maybe you should stop drinking" Blaise laughed, handing me a bottle of water.

"We'll see" I chuckled

Estella's pov:

"Here he comes...just act normal, I'm sure he's embarrassed" Pansy glanced down to her shoes.

Draco and Blaise, walked down the last flight of stairs talking and laughing.

"Good morning, boys" River smiled

"Morning" Blaise kissed Pansy on the cheek and grabbed her hand

Draco's smile faded as we made eye contact.

Everyone carried on conversations as normal as possible.

"Im guessing the alcohol finally wore off?" I teased

"I guess you could say that" he scoffed, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Good" I laughed

"I'm sorry about everything that happened last night, by the way" he cleared his throat

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