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I opened my eyes the next morning and threw my hand to the opposite side of the was empty.

i raised up and seen Draco standing by the door.

"what are you doing?" i chuckled, wiping my eyes

he slowly lifted his finger to his lips, his eyes went dark. he slowly opened the door and peaked out.

"wait here" he walked out

my stomach sank, and a million questions crossed my mind as well as a million fears.

i slid the blanket off and threw on my clothes, slowly opening the door. i listened closely to see if i could hear anything from down the hall.


i stepped out a little further, i felt someone grab me and their hand covered my mouth.

"don't say a word...they can hear and see everything" the person spoke

i was pulled back into the room as the shut the door slowly and let me go. my fist clenched as i turned around.

"Harry?" a sigh of relief came over me

"how did you get here? what are you doing here? why-"

"i'll explain everything later...we have to get you out of here" he whispered

"where's Draco?"

"with River"

"River is with you?" i breathed

"her and milo's room was the first we came too"

"we have to leave...stay quiet and follow me" he slowly opened the door again and we walked out

we walked down the hall as the sound of familiar voices drew closer.

"well speak of the devil" Pansy folded her arms and smiled

i bursted into tears as i ran into her arms.

"you'd think she'd miss the rest of us that much" Milo scoffed

i extended my arm for the rest of them to join us.

"is everyone okay?" i asked, breaking from the circle

"is that a serious question?" River laughed

"Harry we couldn't thank you enough for helping us" i spoke

"it wasn't all me, i couldn't have done it without Emerson. Brightest witch of her age, that's for sure"

"where is Emerson?"

"she's with the others"

"others?" Draco asked

"you really didn't think it was just Emerson and I?" he scoffed

"okay as much as i'd love to chit chat, we better leave before we get caught" Milo sighed

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