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"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2," Jimin refrained from the urge to look down and closed his eyes shut.

He took a very deep breath through his nose and tried not to think about what it'd be like when he let himself go. He tried not to think about the water - he so deeply despised - when it would welcome itself through his mouth, self-hosting its molecules into his lungs. He tried not to think about his body, shaking with its normal need for oxygen and foreign to the lack of it in the river 60-foot below him.

He also tried not to think about - but failed terribly at - what his friends would feel. The five people who were the only ones present in his short-termed life would probably grief his death. If he had the opportunity to make a last wish, he'd wish for them to never know how he died. If a genie popped out of a magical lamp, he'd ask him to take away the pain that would swell into their hearts.

Unfortunately, this was far from a fairytale. There was no magical lamp to rub, no genie to ask him for his wishes, and definitely no way he'd take his friends' pain away.

But there was also no going back. He wanted anything to be out of his body, the constant ache in his heart getting the best of him at last.

It took a whole lifetime to bear life, but only a second to end it.

Only 1 second.

"1," Jimin closed his eyes, marveling at the icy feel of night air slithering along his skin under his leather jacket.

He would surely miss the night.

"Can I join you?"

Jimin's feet almost slipped from the balustrade before he balanced himself once more, his eyes taking the dark water below him. He clutched his chest and looked to his side, wide-eyed, at the boy standing a few inches next to him.

"I-I'm not drinking tea," Jimin blinked at the mint-haired boy, "I'm..."

"Yeah, yeah," The boy waved him off, as if Jimin said the silliest thing, "I know you're going to jump. Can I join you?"

"Aren't you afraid?" Jimin's eyebrows lifted slightly as he stared at the boy next to him, the ballet lessons he grew up on aiding his body to balance on the railing.

"Aren't you?" The boy raised his eyebrow, the littlest smile drawn on his fair face as he raised a yellow lollipop to his lips.

Jimin found himself involuntarily gulping, once again trying not to look down.

"I think I'll be going solo." He said, cheek pocking with the lollipop inside his mouth.

"No," Jimin fisted his hands, releasing them a second later, "I'm jumping."

"What's your name?" The mint-haired boy asked and Jimin seemed to forget the simple answer right then.

He was awestruck by how this stranger seemed so laid back and free when both of them were literally on a bridge, about to die and end their lives, to the point that he'd ask him for his name.

"Excuse me?" Jimin had to ask.

"I just want to know your name," He shrugged, "In case I want to find you in the afterlife."

"Um, Jimin," He responded weekly, "Park Jimin."

"Hmm," He hummed, sucking his lips in thought, "You look like Nemo with that hair color."

Jimin unconsciously ran his fingers through his tangerine orange hair.

"What about you?"

"I'm Min Yoongi." He said, reaching his arm out for a handshake before losing balance on the balustrade.

"Watch out!" Jimin almost yelled, body slightly turning to him.

"Relax," Yoongi chuckled, a gummy set of teeth flashing out, "It's not like I'm here to take a piss."

"Can you leave me alone?" Jimin furrowed his brows, looking back ahead, "I want to be alone."

"Being alone isn't a nice thing." Yoongi looked at his feet, his cheek still pocked by the lollipop.

"I actually like it." Jimin sighed, frustrated with the human-formed barrier on his right.

"What if I change your mind?" Said barrier wondered aloud.

"I don't think you'll be able to do that, buddy," Jimin tilted his head sideways, "Especially not now."

"Do you want to bet?"


"Yeah, I bet I can make you like not being alone," Yoongi took out his yellow candy, "In just one day."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Jimin turned to him with a clipped smile.

"You know when you pass a bet you automatically lose, right? Would you want to die a loser without even trying?" He raised his eyebrow again, eyes challenging him along with the crooked lips he drew on his face.

"I've never lost in the course of my 21-year-old life," Jimin wet his lips, taking them between his teeth, "Bet."

Yoongi smiled, nodding to himself as if he was already preparing himself for the challenge.

"Let's live for just one day, Park Jimin."

"Just one day."

Just One Day | YoonMinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz