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I strongly suggest you listen to the video above when the cue of 🎹 comes.

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7 was the lucky number.

As he looked down at the ticket in his hands, Jimin was sure the 7th try just won him the lottery.

"Did I just win the fucking lottery?" He opened his mouth wide enough for a chunk of a cake to enter with ease, turning to look at Yoongi.

"It's a 1 in a 13, 983, 816 chance." Yoongi put his index finger above his lips, the fingers in between dipping down as he stared at the number on the screen.

"I don't know what to do with all of this money in just one day."

"Think about you a year ago," He offered, "What would you have done?"

Jimin didn't need time to think about it; he'd already had. It was his dream all along.

"I would've started my own dance school." He looked down at his feet.

"You dance?" Yoongi held Jimin's shoulders pulling his chin up.

He simply nodded in response.

"Show me."

The walk to his dance practice room was just the same; each step acting as a stamp onto his heart. Why?

Why did it have to be this hard for him to do what he's been doing for years? For the last year, Jimin couldn't step inside his practice room, only bearing the mere sight of the door for less than a minute. The ache was just too hard.

Nonetheless, it was his last day in the world.

At least he'd see it one last time.

"Come in." Jimin opened the door for Yoongi.

The room was a white box with a wooden floor and other plain 5 sides. It was dull - not in color - but in...something Jimin couldn't quite grasp. It just needed something. Something more.

Maybe the last year made him forget that it'd been like that forever. Dull. Plain. Empty.

"Oh," Yoongi almost jumped, "Just what I needed."

He walked to the piano at the center of the room - that Jimin seemed to completely not notice - and sat on the little chair.

"Do you know Love Of My Life?" Yoongi, asked, eyes focused on the black and white tiles beneath his fingertips.

"It's one of the songs I know by Queen." Jimin rubbed his arm.

"Can you dance to it?"

"You'll be playing the piano?" Jimin found the corners of his lips moving upwards.

"I will." He dipped his chin once.

So he danced.


At the sound of Yoongi's fingers floating on the piano keys, he danced and danced and danced.

The melodies he was playing were captivating; Jimin had never heard something so ethereal before. Despite not practicing for a year, Jimin found his body unconsciously elevating with the music, muscles relaxing and contracting under its command. When dancing, Jimin often found himself left with a feeling of complete isolation from the world, with only him in it. This time though, he felt Yoongi's presence. Yoongi's work of art bordering him and consuming his moves.

And with the last chord of music, they stopped.

They both said in one breath.

Next, they both bent forward, laughing, Jimin hypnotized by the sound coming out of Yoongi as his shoulders wiggled up and down.

If he could've bottled up the sound of his laughter, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Just to hear it again.

"You know, my friends set up an appointment for me," Jimin continued fidgeting his fingers together, head laying down in Yoongi's lap as they sat on the wooden floor, "At the Seoul Section of the International Dance Council."

"Holy fuck, when is it?" He cleared Jimin's hair from his forehead like he wanted to see every inch of his face.

"Two hours after the sunrise."

"Do you want to go?" Yoongi asked him softly.

Jimin held his response for a moment and instead,

"If I...If I decide to live," He began drawing circles on Yoong's palm, "Would you join me too?"

Yoongi all too gently pushed Jimin off of his lap so that they were both sitting straight and facing each other. The elder lifted his arm, reaching for Jimin until his hand cupped his cheeks.

"I'll be here as long as you need me, Jimin."

"Weren't you up there for a reason?" Jimin gulped the bile forming in his throat.

"It definitely hurt less than it would hurt to leave you."

And then, ever so lightly, like a faint whisper against his lips, Yoongi leaned in to brush his mouth on Jimin's.

"I want to go."

Just One Day | YoonMinWhere stories live. Discover now