Chapter 2 Ehmagawd 1D!

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  • Dedicated to One Direction

Lisa's POV:

I feel like I'm on the computer 24/7! hehe. I opened up my e-mail and saw two unread messages. One from Jessie saying that she missed me. I quickly replied to her saying the same thing. Then, I saw that the other e-mail was from no one other than One Direction!! I couldn't believe it!!!! (also the name of their new EP coming out Dec. 11th" Believe it"!) Was it just a prank? I was about to delete it thinking it might be a joke, when my phone rang and an unknown number popped up. Answering my phone, I said,

" Hello?"

"Hello, is this Lisa Cimorelli?" asked a familiar voice in a thick British Accent.

"Yes, who are you?" I replied but I was freaking out!

"This is Harry Styles, no joke. I am wondering if you and your sisters like to go on tour with us, One Direction?"

"Seriously?!?" I shrieked.

"Of course, I never joke about touring with Cimorelli!! I'm a huge member of the CimFam and so are the rest of the boys in 1D. So, are you in for it?"


"hehe, go tell the girls, and Skype me tonight. My username is harrystyles1D. Make sure that the girls are with you when we Skype tonight.!"

"ok, yay! I'll Skype you and you better answer! JK! bye Harry!"

"Bye Lisa. BTW, YOU ARE SO HOT!"

but Lisa had already hung up

Harry's POV

I couldn't believe I just spoke to Lisa Cimorelli, my number 1 crush, and that we were going on tour with CIMORELLI!! I guess that before I told her she was hot, she hung up though because she didn't say anything. Kind of disappointed, but knowing I would see her in real life, I was happy and I called in the boys.

"So, what did they say?" asked Liam.

"Well, I spoke to Lisa,"

"OOOOOOH, HARRY SPOKE TO LISA! MU-A MU-A!" the boys shouted in unison making kissing noises knowing that Harry fancied Lisa.

"Let me finish! I spoke to Lisa and they said that Cimorelli was to busy to go on tour with us UNTIL now, so, I guess that's a no" Harry said grinning.


"Ok, ok, there ARE GOING FOR SURE! CIMORELLI IS GOING ON TOUR WITH US!! YAY!" said a happy Haz and all the One Direction boys screamed like little girls.

Amy's POV

OMG! Lisa just told us the best news ever! She told us that One Direction invited us to go on tour with them! I've always fancied Niall, from the moment he auditioned for X-Factor. Lisa also told us that we would be skyping Harry and the boys tonight to work out the details and stuff. I can't wait for tonight! It's 3:30 right now, and we are supposed to skype them, so I guess we just need to wait 4 and a half hours until 8:00 pm.! Yay! I'm super excited!

Katherine's POV

I was in the kitchen, making brownies when Lisa yelled,

"Cimorelli Girl Meeting Now!"

I hurried over to the living room where the rest of the sisters sat. Lisa never jokes about our meetings. Then, I got the best news ever! Lisa said that we were going on tour with One Direction! I was so excited! Zayn Malik, has like, the best voice ever, and he's super cute! Ahhhhh! Talk about touring with 1D! Yay!

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