Chapter 11 Together at Last

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Amy's POV:

Everyone was chatting nosily on the way to the restaurant but FiFi, Niall, and me. FiFi and I were whispering about Niall, and Niall looked confused. When we got to the restaurant, i purposely sat next to Niall. Then, i whispered in his ear,"Listen, Fi and I both have a crush on you, and I can tell by the way you look at us that you like both of us but you can't choose. Well, we always said you should choose FiFi, cuz she is beautiful, and I have a syndrome which makes me short no matter how old i am. So, just whoever u choose, i will not be mad if it isn't me."

"oh, sorry about your syndrome, how about u be my BFF and is it ok if I ask out Fi?"

"of course!" i said. Well, it's a win-win situation I said to myself.

Harry's POV:

At the restaurant, I sat next to Lisa. When we all finished eating, I said, "Why don't we go back to my place and hang out?" everyone agreed. Once we were back at my flat, we all changed into our pjs and decided to watch The Clique which was chosen by Lauren. It was so funny! Massie Block, is forced to be nice to Claire Lyons and their relationship is really bumpy. But, Massie's best friends (The Pretty Committee) also say Claire is a LBR, Loser Beyond Repair. I have to admit though, I was looking forward to see the Pretty Committee every time they weren't on screen. Massie Block, Alicia Rivera, Kristen Gregory, and Dylan Marvil, were pretty hot. Alicia was really hot for a seventh grader, Kristen's hair was gorgeous, Dylan's personality was awesome, and Massie was downright beautiful. Luckily, Lisa was too busy watching the movie to notice my expression whenever the Pretty Committee came on screen.

When the movie was over we all retired to our rooms and fell asleep quickly.

Lisa's POV:

I woke up to the smell of tacos................. What the heck?!? Tacos at 9:30 in the morning? then i realized that Harry must be cooking. He loves tacos. I quickly showered and changed. When I was ready, I went to the kitchen to find Harry by the stove cooking tacos for breakfast. I grinned at him and said, "I think the only people who are going to eat tacos at 10:00 in the morning are Amy, Niall, and you." he playfully punched my arm. "Fine, more for us then" he said pretending to be hurt. "haha yeah right. are you serious? I'm starving!" I said as I walked away and sat down with the others at the table. After our breakfast of tacos which were surprisingly delish, we all decided to go shopping. Harry drove us to the nearest mall, and we decided to split up. Liam, Lauren, Harry, Jessie, and I were grouped. Louis, Christina, Niall, and FiFi were together. And last but not least, Zayn, Katherine, Amy, Sophie, and Dani were together. My group walked into Tiffany's to look at the jewelry. Liam and Lauren wandered off to look at the earrings, Jessie wandered off to look at the necklaces, and Harry and I went to go look at the rings. Once Haz and I were alone, he started to flirt hard with me and I flirted back just as hard. He leaned in with his eyes closed and I did the same. As soon as you can say Haz, our lips collided and we kissed for like, four seconds. When we stopped, he said,

"Lisa, I haven't known you very long, but it feels like forever. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Heck No! I would never date a flirt like you!" I said.

"Oh, well sorry for asking," said Harry obviously not knowing I was joking.

"Harry Edward Styles! I was kidding. Of course I will be your girlfriend!"


"Yes, I mean it."

"Lisa Michelle Cimorelli, I love you with all my heart." he said before our lips smashed against each others again.

"I love you too Harry," I murmured when we came up for air and then I leaned in for more.

A/N: You like, you not like, you like like, you hate? Tell me! Am I being to forward on the romance? There's more btw.

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