Chapter 3 We Can't Leave Them

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  • Dedicated to Cimorelli

Dani's POV:

"Wait, a second, how long is the tour, when do we leave, where are we touring to?" I asked.

"Well, we are skyping 1D tonight to work out the details. But the most important thing is that WE ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH ONE DIRECTION!" said an excited LIsa. I know she always had a crush on Harry, but she was forgetting one thing.

"Guys, if the tour is for a long time and we leave immediately and we tour far away, the Cali girls (Cali4nia Girls) won't be able to film our next cover of their arrangement with us!" I said loudly. It wasn't like Lisa to forget about her best friends and think only about the tour. "What are we going to do? We already miss them so much and we aren't on tour right now though!"

"Maybe we could ask them if the Cali girls could join all of us on tour. They are as hard core Directioners as we are and maybe even more. Their voices are like angels too and I think they would have a good time."

"Sure, let's do that," everyone answered back to Lisa.

Liam's POV:

I watched the beautiful girl with straight dark brown hair in a varsity jacket. I was watching Cimorelli's cover of our song, "What Makes You Beautiful". It was amazing! Now, a few months later, I keep watching their videos. This video was the very first video I had ever watched of them and I fell in love with their music and one particular girl. Her name was Lauren I soon had learned after doing research on them after I became a member of the CimFam. I guarantee she is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Since Danielle and I broke up, I haven't really been the same but Lauren's been on my mind day and night. I can't wait to meet her! They are going to Skype us tonight and I can't wait to see Lauren's beautiful face through video chat. I'm so excited!

(sorry for the short chapter the next part is off this chapters topic so i decided to end this chapter)

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