Season 1 ~ Chapter 1: When two worlds meet

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A/N:Picture is not mine!Enjoy!<3

Nixian's POV:

"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime."

-Mineko Iwasaki

I could hear her heartbeat beat slower and slower as the seconds pass and her eyes fluttered open.

"Mom?",I murmured not even trying to hide the sadness in my voice,"Mom,why did you do that?Why did you jump in the way?",tears where falling from both our eyes as she whispered,"Vulpea mea mică,I'm your mother.Of course I'll protect you even if it means I might die",she smiled wasn't a sad one..she looked happy.

Suddenly, her eyes started to close,"No... no! Please dont close your eyes, please don't, please...I-I can't lose you too...",I begged with no response from her I felt the anger and sadness building up inside me so I screamed.Letting all the rage inside me out.All around us blue lighting struck as it electrocuted everything in its path....

A few years earlier...

My father was a very content man,never became mad easily and seemed like he had an endless amount of patience but he did have the problem for following his heart instead of his head.

Some people loved him for it, because he was passionate and loved being a hero but some where jealous of him and would jump at every chance to ruin him and his career but fail from lack of proof.

My mother on the other hand is quite the opposite.She has little patience but is loving towards the people she trusts but make no mistake she has reasons for why she is this way.

She was an orphan.Abandoned by her family because of her unstable quirk.At the age of 11 she had to fend for herself after she left the orphanage she use to live in.It was hard but as she got older she gained control of her power and became one of the most well known and dangerous villains in Japan.

She was clever but at one point trusted the wrong people, got caught and was thrown in Tartarus.There is where she met my Father.His job was to get info on some of the prisoners and get out.Lucky for him my mother was one of them.

Seishin's POV:

'I really dont know why the hero's sent me here. I mean yea, I was part of the rescue mission, but they could have sent somone with a more useful quirk instead...whatever let's just get this over with'

I went from prisoner to prisoner based on the cell number on the list.As I reached the last cell, I was relieved for this to finally end until I came across an empty dark cell.

I almost thought it was empty but then I saw a figure move in the corner of the cell.It looked like it was in a curled up position.

I was about to speak but was cut of by a loud grunt.Then heard one of the most angelic voices I have ever heard.

"I can feel you staring, hero",she said sternly,"Its rude you do know that,right?"

"S-sorry uuuuh ma'am or whatever you'd like me to call you I- umm I'm here to ask you questions about the incident you were apart of, if that's alright with you?",he asked hesitantly.

"Asking for permission?From a prisoner? Well aren't you just sweet?"

She then stood up flinched a bit from the pain in her body.Probably from the guard's that punched her but placed her arms on the railing of the cell and smirked.

Now that she was in a better lighting, I could see all her feature's.She had a short brown messy hairstyle with golden highlights, one blue eye and the other a goldish yellow. Soft thin lips,looking a bit to the side, I saw pointy ears and a tattoo on her collar bone that looked like two arrows pointing both in the opposite direction.I swear my heart skipped a beat from every move she made.....

||In The End...||MHA × M! OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat