Season 1 ~ Chapter 5:The Deal

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The day before the green slug villain attack...

Nixian's POV:

"Nixian~...",Merikh cooed making me turn on my left side, ignoring him.

"Nixian",he said more sternly trying to wake me up making me turn on my right side covering my ears with a pillow despite his voice being in my head.

"Wake up you brat!",I shot up mentally glaring at Merikh.

"Let's go out",he demanded as I took my phone as the screen lit up making me wince at the brightness before my eyes started adjusting to the light,"Bro its 2 in the fucken morning!Plus its my night off",I complained my face buried in my hands.

"Let's go out or I'm giving you nightmares for a week.Your sleep deprived as it is and I most certainly wouldn't mind making that worse",He said sweetly making me dragged my hands across my face in annoyance ,"Ugh fine",I grunted while swinging my legs over the beds edge teleporting my suit into my hand with the gear while sleepily pulling it on. A few min after I slowly walked my way to the door as I opened and closed it behind me with a slightly creek of its hinges. I turned and made my way to the flight of stairs to my left.My heart almost stopped every time at every creek the stairs made till I finally made it to the see through sliding doors leading to the backyard that stretches on into the woods.

Looking to my left i saw my mom passed out on the couch snoring quietly.I sighed.

She must have worked late again.

Walking over to her I gently picked her up as I made my way up stairs to her room placing her on the bed and pulling the covers over her,"Sweet dreams,mum",I whispered as I teleported outside.

"We could have just done that in the first place",Merikh growled.

"True but I'm not going to miss use my quirk and become that lazy,now am I?",I could feel Merikh roll his eyed,"And besides if we did just do that we wouldn't have seen my mom passed out on the couch.Its not the most comfortable place to sleep on and I know you would have done the smae thing if our positions where switched,don't deny it!"

He scoffed",I don't know what your talking about...",

"Yea sure you don't",I said as I started to fly into the dark night sky.

A few min later...

"So what exactly where you so insistent on going out for?",I asked not hiding my annoyance, "Well my dear DID friend ,if that little gadget on our left arm is correct there is someone robbing a poor old lady shown by a security camera and your going to stop the robber",he replied dryly.My face twisted in confusion underneath the gas mask.

Merikh's the one who usually gives me the jobs to do such as assassinating,exploding buildings,etc but sometimes the jobs are supper random stuff like this one.We do have a rule though 'Only take out the people who truly deserve it' so I don't completely mind dealing with it because even if it means I don't get paid for it, it brings me slight happiness knowing I can write the wrongs of others. Besides the actual reason Merikh gives me these jobs is because he has this obsession to put order to the world and create a world of peace and that the people who do wrong in the world deserve the worst that comes to them, like karma.

I sighed nodding my head in agreement.

As I got closer to the location, flying over the tall buildings. My ears perked up hearing a scream. Quickly I flew towards the noise seeing two people pulling a handbag. The one person was dressed in black with a mask covering their face the other was a short, elderly woman wearing a dress with a pink cardagain.

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