Chapter 2 : You Can Be A Hero

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Nixian's POV:


A video was being played of a huge wreckage with a blazing fire all around the destroyed rubble and stepping out of the flames and ruins was All Might himself.He was caring a bunch of people on his back and in his arms,laughing proudly as he does.

Me and Izuku watched with big eyes in awe of his magnificent feet,"Fear not citizens,hope has arrived",he said as our eyes sparkled with admiration,"Because I am here",he reassured with a big smile,"He's the coolest in the universe!",I yelled with joy,"I know,right!",he agreed happily,"Once I get my quirk I'm going to be a hero just like him!",he yelled with joy,"And I'll be right there to cheer you on,Izu",I reassured with pride,"Thanks Andreea!I will try my best to do the same with you",he grinned from ear to ear.

Switch to hospital...

"Sorry,kid.Its not gonna happen",said the doctor.I gasped in shock.

Me and Izuku wanted to go together and see if we even get a quirk at all.

Stunned,Izuku dropped his All Might figurine as it hit the ground landing with a few light thuds.

End of flashback...

Deku's POV:

Even if I'll never have superpowers


"Your worse than the rest of these rejects,you quirkless wannabee",Bakugou shouted in anger at me while smoke rises from both of his hands caused by his explosive quirk,"Do you really think they would take somone like you when they can have me!",he yelled as I imagined him looking like an evil,dark,some like purple monster with glowing red eyes along with the other students glaring at me with the same eyes.

Beads of sweat start to form on my temple from fear,"You'd never be able to hangout with the best of the best!",he shouted for everyone to hear.

Even if everyone thinks I'm useless...

"I'm sorry,Izuku",my mother said in a shaky voice while hugging me tightly while I sits in a chair and I stare of into the distance,"I wish things where different",tears brimming the corner of my eyes as it fell.

End of flashback...

Mom...that's not what I wanted you to say...couldn't you see?....

Despite everything...I still dream and I have to know!...

"Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk!?",I yelled as All Might stopped in his tracks.From the corner of my eye I could see Nixian's eyes widen with worry,"I'm a normal kid without any powers...could I ever hope to be someone like you!?",I yelled with a slight heat rising to my face from embarrassment,"Izuku...",he whispered sounding sad for me.

All Might's POV:

I turned my head to look at the boy,"Without a quirk?",I grunted as a sudden pain shot throughout my body and steam started to rise from my upper torso as I started to shrink in size.

Oh no...not now...ngh...not here!

Huddling over I crossed my arms over each other as more steam rouse and formed around me like steam from a hot sauna.

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