Season 1 ~ Chapter 3:Beginning's

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Hi again!😅yea we're finally starting.Now keep in mind my character is a female at birth but became a trans male in his teen years so I'll be using the dead name(Andreea) in this chapter as well whenever the childhood flashbacks show up alright?Good.Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and I apologize if its cringy and btw Vulpe mica,the nickname the mother calls him is,if im not mistaken,means little fox in Romanian if I'm wrong pls tell me 😅and have a nice day/night/whatever time it is byebye.👋🏻

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A few years earlier...

Deku's POV:

"Why are you being so mean?Your making him cry,Kacchan!",I yelled trembling and baling my hands into a fist with tears brimming my eyes,"If you keep hurting him uh I'll uh... I'll stop you myself!"

I was trying to stop Kacchan from bulling the kid behind me.He was cradling his arm,crying.

They deadpand before smirking,"You wanna pretend to be a hero?",then all three activated their quirks and Kacchan punching a fist into his palm letting off a small explosion,"You can't stand a chance without a quirk,Deku",he looked up with closed eyes and a smirk.

All 3 of them proceeded to launch them selfs towards my direction,"Hands off!",before I could register who's voice it was me and whoever shouted as well the injured kid was teleported a good distance behind Kacchan and his goon's.As I looked up to see who it was that saved us from the three.

Its Andreea.

I smiled,"Thank you,Andreea",I thanking her for saving us in the nick of time before the three beated us to a pulp.

Andreea's POV:

"No problem,Izu",I felt slightly uneasy.Was it from my name?I quickly shook it off and smiled back at him,turning my attention towards the angry,spiky ash blond haired boy,"What the hell do you think your doing,Andreea?!",he shouted.

"What am I doing?!What the heck are you doing,Kat!?Bulling your friend and a kid we don't even know",I shouted back,angered by his actions.

"What?He said he could to stop us himself,so he can take it",he replied unamused.

"Is that so?Then why don't I just take up that offer myself and tell your mom what you did,huh!?",I threatened.

"Don't you dare tell that old hag!"he shouted.

"Why don't you come and stop me then?!",I shouted back with a smirk then started running with him chasing me and Deku behind him trying to stop us before we caused more trouble.

Present time...

Nixian's POV: one of the most stressful moments of my life....

I can't afford to fuck this up,doing so could cost me....

As I sighed I watched her take the chess piece and place it on the chessboard,making her next move then I did the same...

I have a bad feeling about this...shit I'm so screwed...

She chuckled and said,"Checkmate".

"What the FUCK!",I yelled falling backwards onto the pillows with my arms crossed over my face.

"I win",my mother said putting the chess peaces in order with that stupid smirk of hers.

"Stop your smiling mom,I get it I lost to you for the 7th time",I wined,"I still don't know how you do it though.I always lose to you",I complained.

||In The End...||MHA × M! OCWhere stories live. Discover now