The start of a New "Again"

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"Sometimes you need a second chance because you weren't ready for the first"

- Anonymous

Bakugou was currently dressed in his sky blue kindergarten shirt and some little khaki shorts. He was no taller than Mitsuki's knee if that. And most importantly, he had absolutely no clue whatsoever what was going on. "Katsuki, you okay? You look confused." Mitsuki seemed to have no idea what his mind was in and he didn't know what else to do so he played along.

"Mom how old am I?" he asked. Damn, my voice is so freakin squeaky... Mitsuki blinked at him, but then laughed.

"If anything, I'd expect you to remember how old you are." Bakugou growled.

"Just tell me old hag!"Bakugou yelled. Mitsuki smacked his head as she would usually do.

"You'd better get a hold of yourself Katsuki! It's not my fault you forgot your damn age. But... anyways, your 5. Now go on to class." Mitsuki waved him off and then left. Bakugou huffed and then went back to focus on the task at hand. I'm five, okay so that means me and Izuku are still close... wait my quirk.  Bakugou entered the classroom while letting his hands crackle with tiny little explosions. The teachers immediately looked towards him and began to praise him. 

He remembered this moment. It was the moment he gained pride or, as others would say, the moment his ego exploded. Almost getting lost in the compliments like before, he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. He spotted the green fluff of hair and then saw Izuku standing in the crowd praising you, too. "Deku!" Bakugou called out going over to him, but then he paused when he saw Izuku wince at the name. Oh right...

"H-hey Kacchan-" Someone moved Izuku out of the way before he could finish.

"What are you doing Katsuki? Are you picking with Izuku again?!" the kid said. Bakugou couldn't quite tell if it was a boy or a girl and thanks to puberty the voice didn't help much either. It matter anyway because either way, they were in the way

"Hey move it, I wasn't talking to you." Bakugou shoved the kid out of the way and tried to approach Izuku again, but Izuku went to help the kid out instead.

"Uchu are you okay?" Izuku said, helping the fallen kid. Universe? Who the hell names there kid Universe?! "Kacchan you shouldn't push people, its not nice."

"It's not my fault! they started it first. No one asked him to butt in." 

"So what your a jerk anyways! It's not like it would have made a difference."

"Oh yeah! You want to fight?" Bakugou let the tiny explosions in his hand shoot off. Damn it why are they so small?! This sucks! 

"They can't Kacchan!"

"And why not Deku?!"

"Their Qurikless, Kacchan!" Bakugou immediately froze. His explosions stopped, btu that didn't mean the glare on his face did, especially when he saw the kid smirking as if they had just won something. Bakugou grimaced and stormed off to find the two bird brains he would usually hang out with around this time. It was the only he could do until he got his mind wrapped around this situation and what he should do.

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