Time Really Flies Prt 1

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Bakugou was right about Uchu starting the bet today, but as far as what would be thrown at him, he was far from ready for. Not because it was some insanely hard challenge or a race to see who could get to Izuku first or anything of the sort. Nope it was something Bakugou hated even more.

Fake people. Or at least the ones that acted nice while faking. And that it exactly what Uchu did. 

"Oi, Kacchan!" Bakugou heard his nickname, but the voice he was expecting was all wrong. Soon an excited Uchu threw their arm around his shoulder, hugging him tightly. He whispered a quiet 'good morning' next to Bakugou's ear, signalling what day it was. Bakugou tensed. 

"Kacchan, Uchu!" The two looked up to see the other boy running towards them with a huge smile. He hugged the both of them before showing off a toy in his hand. "Look, look! My mom bought me the new All Might figure!" Bakugou's eyes genuinely lit up.

"Whoa! Is that his costume when he was in America? His Silver Age?!" Izuku nodded vigorously, both of the boys smiling widely while admiring the toy (don't kill me for that Izuku). Uchu seemed unsatisfied with the interaction, or rather he didn't like how good it was. But the universe always had back up plans.

"Ooh, can I see too Izuku? I don't have any All Might figures." The two boys snapped out of their daze, much to Bakugou's dismay. He'd almost gotten distracted that easily. (He still wanted that figure though.) 

"Sure here, look." Izuku went to Uchu's side and showed off the figurine to him now. The feigned expression of excitement that spread over Uchu's face was plain obvious to anyone actually paying attention. And it annoyed the hell out of Bakugou. 

And their were a lot more interactions of the sort throughout the day. Each time Bakugou held his cool and ignored Uchu's attempts to piss him off. Surprisingly, he didn't yell or get visibly angry at all. It felt strangely calming to him, a person who always found every little reason to raise his voice and explode. He liked the sense of peace he felt just being a kid with no real worries or reasons for anger, besides Uchu that is. 

The day flew by and like that he was done with his first daily trail. Now he only had six more days. If they played out similarly to this one, he had nothing to worry about. He could right his wrong and see his Izuku in the present alive and (somewhat) healthy again. This is too easy, i don't know why I was so worried. I kinda like this whole not getting mad thing too.

Don't underestimate me yet, Katsuki Bakugou. Bakugou flinched and looked around for Uchu, who was nowhere to be found. Mitsuki felt him jerk and looked down at him. "Katsuki, you good hon'?" Bakugou shivered, but nodded to reassure his Mom. She smiled. "Guess what we're having tonight? Spicy Soba!" Bakugou internally cheered while running ahead of Mitsuki, dragging her along too. 

"Come one, hurry up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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