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It was five-thirty am, and both the Paladiknights were awake, actually all four. Leorio shouldn't be up this early he was off work. Kurapika was never up this early, even when he had work. The only reason they were awake was the twins. One would wake up and cry, which would make the other wake and cry. It was an endless cycle.

Kurapika sat next to the cribs, his head against the wall. His eyes were droopy as he was falling asleep. He was silently praying that the twins wouldn't cry again. He wanted at least an hour of sleep, just one hour.

On the wall across from the crib, Leorio sat in the armchair. He had been up this early before, but only rarely. So, he was also exhausted. He was over halfway asleep by now.

A second before the twins woke, Kurapika did. He had slipped and hit his head on the ground. The sound the impact made was enough to wake Crimson. He began to wail and woke his sister. Scarlet started to cry then.

Both Leorio and Kurapika groaned. They stood, and Leorio walked over to the crib. Kurapika was already holding Crimson and lightly rocking him. "Shh, shh," he whispered. "Sorry, I'm sorry. Daddy didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry, baby."

"How did you wake them," Leorio asked. He held Scarlet. He was lightly rocking the baby and petting her head. From the short time she had been home, this had calmed her.

"I fell," Kurapika answered.

Leorio chuckled. "Did your fat head wake them up?" He looked down at the baby he was holding. "You have a big head too, Let. You take after your daddy."

Trying to be quiet as possible, Kurapika gasped. "I do not have a fat head," he hissed. "My head is average-sized."

"Yes, and your head is very pleasing."

It took a second for Kurapika to process the joke. Once he did, he had to fight to urge to slap his spouse. "Not in front of the babies! You fu—you sicko. I've had enough of your jokes. As soon as Crimson falls asleep, I'm going to bed."

That never happened. By the time Crimson fell asleep, Kurapika had sat in the armchair and had fallen asleep too. Leorio was amused by this and took a photo after lying Scarlet down. Then, he went to bed. No one woke again.

Sorry that this chapter is short.

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