{Strictly Buisness}

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Kurapika took the pin out of his hair. Very steadily, he picked the lock. Once he heard the satisfying click, he smiled. He wasn't sure if it would work. After all, Basho taught him.

He opened the door. Despite the late hour, he made sure to not make much noise. Just in case someone could hear. People were always in a hospital.

"Okay, get what I need," he whispered. "The files. The money. Then leave. Sounds like a plan!"

Kurapika didn't turn on the light in the room. He couldn't give one sign that he had ever been in there. Those were his orders. Another one of his orders was to shoot anyone who saw him entering or exiting the office.

Of course, Kurapika wanted to know more. But every question he asked was shot down by his boss. So, he knew nothing. Who was running this operation? No idea. He didn't even know what the said operation was.

He walked over to the filing cabinet. When he tried to open the top drawer there was a clunk. It was locked. He needed a key.

"Fuck," Kurapika cursed. "Where can I find that key?" He turned around, tapping his foot. Then he paused. "Oh. The desk."

He walked over. The desk had three drawers on each side. He opened the top one. A pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a glasses case, a wallet, and more, but no keys.

He opened the second drawer. A ring of keys. Perfect. As he reached into the drawer, the light turned on. "Excuse me," someone said. "What are you doing in my office?"

Kurapika grabbed the keys. "I'm just looking around," he said. Then he stood up straight. Once he saw who was standing there, his heart stopped. His stomach dropped. And all other expressions used in moments of shock.

"Kurapika," Leorio said. His hand dropped from the light switch.

"Leorio," Kurapika responded. He put the keys in his pocket and shut the drawer with his knee. Thank God it was silent. "Long time no see."

Leorio's face shifted from surprise to confusion. "What are you doing here," he asked. "I haven't seen you in forever." He walked closer to Kurapika.

Kurapika examined the new features of his friend. It had been three and a half years since they'd seen each other. They talked over text a few times and still considered each other friends but other than that, they didn't know much about each other's current lives.

Leorio's hair had grown to his shoulders. He had it combed back but it still looked messy. His ear now had two piercings in it. The other ear had nothing.

"I was in town and decided to visit you," Kurapika lied. "Surprise!"

Leorio looked around. He walked closer. "Kurapika," he repeated the name once again. The way he said it made Kurapika feel butterflies in his stomach and a shock through his body, stopping at a certain place. "Are you...lying to me?" He grabbed Kurapika's wrist.

"What? No, no, of course not," Kurapika responded. His face was hot, practically red. "Why would I lie to you? Especially since we just came in contact again."

Leorio took a deep breath and let go of Kurapika's wrist. "Your heart rate didn't change," he said. "That means you're telling the truth."

Kurapika smiled. "Is that why you grabbed my wrist," he asked. "To check my pulse?"

"Yeah, why else," Leorio answered. He slipped off his jacket. Kurapika noticed that there was blood on the sleeves. "To flirt?"

Kurapika chuckled. "Maybe," he joked. "Not really. Why would you flirt with me? Not like I'm incredibly sexy and cute and you're a bisexual man who's been in the closet since middle school and has finally come to terms with his identity. Oh, who also happens to be sexy."

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