Nail Painting

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Kurapika shut the door behind him after walking into the bedroom. He jumped on the bed next to Leorio, who was asleep. Kurapika lightly shook his husband awake. "Wake up Sleeping Beauty," he said. "It's only ten-thirty pm."

Leorio groaned. "I'm tired, Sunshine," he muttered. "I went to work at one am. Let me sleep."

"No. I want to tell you about my day."

"You just got home?"

Kurapika smiled. "Yeah," he said. "Melody picked me up ten hours ago and we hung out the rest of the day."

"That explains why you weren't here when I got home."

"What time did you get home?"

"Seven. And I fell asleep at eight."

"Well, you've been to college, so I expect you to function on two hours of sleep. Up!"

Leorio sat up and rubbed his eyes. "But I'm tired, Sunshine," he said.

Kurapika smiled. "Your tired voice is sexy," he said. "And you look sexy shirtless."

"Mhm. Thank you. Now, tell me about your day."

Kurapika smiled. "Okay," he said. "So, when Melody picked me up, we went to lunch. I ordered a chicken salad. It was really good. I saved some for you to try. It's in the fridge. After that, we went to see a movie. We saw that new one that came out about the girl and her dead husband. It was really good."

Leorio let Kurapika continue talking. Despite being tired, he listened to everything his husband had to say. He even let him spoil the movie (he didn't plan on watching it, anyway). He fondly smiled. He loved listening to Kurapika, his voice was soothing. The way his eyes sparkled when he brought up something that he enjoyed. Leorio enjoyed it all.

"And we also got our nails done!" Kurapika exclaimed. He showed Leorio his hand. His nails were painted yellow, some blue, with either blue or yellow designs.

Leorio took one of Kurapika's hands and smiled. "They look nice," he said. "Very pretty."

Kurapika smiled. Then his eyes lit up. "I could paint your nails," he said. He grinned. "I'm going to! They won't look as nice as mine but it'll be fine!"

Leorio sighed. "Okay," he said. "I don't see any point in arguing with you.

"Yeah! Okay, I actually have nail polish," Kurapika said. "I had to buy a bunch for Alluka. What color do you want?"

"Uhm, blue," Leorio said. "Not navy blue. Just blue."

"Why blue?"

"Because it's my favorite color."

"Really? I could've sworn you told me that your favorite color was pink or something."

"No, it's blue."

"When did it change?"

Leorio didn't answer. He just smiled.

Kurapika, still confused by Leorio's answer, stood. He walked to the bathroom to get the nail polish. Leorio sat by himself on the bed. He was somewhat close to drifting off. He didn't know how to keep himself awake. Usually, he was great at that.

"Stay awake, Leorio," Kurapika said. He had walked back into the bedroom with the nail polish. He only had one bottle. The bottle of blue. He walked over and sat next to Leorio.

Kurapika turned the bottle over in his hands. "This is called Bleu de France," he said. "Is it okay?"

Leorio nodded. "It's the perfect color," he said. "Like, its actually perfect."

"You're lucky then. Alluka used almost every color. Except for this one." He began to untwist the cap.

Leorio slowly nodded. His eyes were fighting to stay open. He could feel Kurapika take his hand.

"Stay up," Kurapika said. "Please."

"I'm sorry," Leorio said. "I'm just so tired." He took a deep breath and yawned.

Kurapika cupped Leorio's cheek in his hand. "I know," he said. "But you need to stay awake so you don't ruin your nails. I need a pretty husband."

"You're the pretty husband. I'm the sexy and hot one."

Kurapika giggled, redipping the nail polish. He started to paint Leorio's next finger. "I can deal with that," he said. "But the sexy husband needs to stay awake."

"I need sleep to look good."

"I think eyebags are attractive."

"I didn't say anything about eyebags."

"No, you didn't. But I did."

There was a short silence. Then Leorio yawned again. "Can I please go to sleep," he asked. "I'm really tired. I don't move around in my sleep."

Kurapiks sighed. "Fine," he said. "Just lay down first."

Leorio leaned back. "Night-night, Kurapika," he said.

"Goodnight, Leorio."

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