Stick and Poke

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Leorio and Kurapika had spent almost the whole day in their room. They did get to the house late. It was almost dark by the time they had unpacked their stuff. The only reason to leave the room was to eat dinner. Which they did before unpacking their stuff.

The majority of the Paladiknight family enjoyed Kurapika's presence. Everyone except Leorio's dad and the younger kids. After dinner, Rosa sent Isa, Miguel, and Juan to bed. Veronica went to her room. Leorio and Kurapika did too. Every other adult stayed up.

"How was your day, Leorio," Kurapika asked. He was looking in the mirror, tying up his hair. He turned around and climbed in bed with his husband. "Do you feel better now that you're at home?"

Leorio sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know," he admitted. "I think I've been away for too long. I feel even more disconnected from my family than my culture." He lied down, staring up at the ceiling.

"Aw, baby," Kurapika said. "Why do you feel that way? Is it because of your dad?"

"'s...yeah it's mostly my dad, but also other stuff. I just feel like no one actually knows me anymore. Especially those that didn't go to our wedding. I haven't seen them in years." He looked at Kurapika. "Am I annoying you? Is this insensitive? Should I stop? I'm sorry. I—"

Kurapika interrupted him. "Leorio," he said. "Did you take your meds this morning? You seem very anxious and upset."

Leorio didn't answer.


"I didn't," Leorio answered. "But I'm fine. See?" He grinned. As if that could convince Kurapika.

"Leorio, you need to take your meds," Kurapika said. His tone changed immediately. He no longer sounded concerned but upset. "It's bad to skip it."

"I know, I know," Leorio said. "I am a doctor. I just forgot this morning...and every other morning for the past month but I'm fine. I've stayed strong. No relapses or anything. I'm doing great!" He sat up and kissed Kurapika. "Don't worry about me, Sunshine."

Kurapika was skeptical but he tried not to voice it. "Okay," he said. "Goodnight, Leo."

"Goodnight, Kurapika."


Leorio ended up not going to sleep. Luckily for him, Kurapika was a heavy sleeper. So, he didn't wake up to the noise of Leorio digging through the suitcases. Even though, he tried not to exclaim when he found what he was looking for. The stick-and-poke kit.

He looked over at his sleeping husband. If he was going to do this, he should probably leave the room. He grabbed the kit and walked into the hall down to the kitchen. He sat at the table. It was in the kitchen at his family's house. For whatever reason.

He turned on the light and opened the kit. He read the instructions, not carefully, but he read them. He got an empty jar from the cabinet. The instructions said it was to "dispose of anything." The next step was the protection sheet. Whatever that was.

Leorio ran through the rest of the steps needed to prepare himself for the tattoo. He thought about using a stencil but decided against it. Winging it would be fun. He stood up and went to wash his wrist, that's where he was going to put the tattoo.

Once done washing his wrist, he went back to the table. He shook the ink bottle and put it in the cup. He pulled out an alcohol wipe to sterilize the area. He got the needle and put the grip on it. Then he applied the "butter" that came with the kit onto his wrist.

Now he could finally start the tattoo. He dipped the needle in the ink and started the tattoo. After about three pokes, he was interrupted. "What ya doing," someone asked.

Leorio jumped and look in the direction of the voice. It was his twin sister, Verónica. "You scared the hell out of me," he said. "Don't do that." He turned back to the tattoo kit. Verónica walked over and sat across from him.

"Are you giving yourself a tattoo," Verónica asked. "Where did you get the kit?" She pulled the box towards her.

"Yeah, I am," Leorio answered. "And Kurapika gave it to me for Christmas. If I ever got urges. And I wanted to test it out." He wiped the tattoo with an alcohol wipe. "What are you doing up this late?"

"Couldn't sleep," Verónica shrugged. "It's been so long since I've been home. So, you gave mamá y papá the money for it?"

"Yep," Leorio said. "Out of my first paycheck. Kurapika was pissed but he doesn't know what it's like."

"Like to what? Grow up in poverty or provide for parents?"

Leorio looked up at his sister. "He would kill you if he heard you say that," he said. "I"m not kidding."

Verónica shrugged. "Oh, well," she said. "What kind of tattoo are you giving yourself?"

"Honestly, I have no fucking idea. I'm winging it right now."

"You should do your initials. Simple and hard to regret. Or you could let me try and we could have matching tattoos." She smiled.

Leorio looked back at her. He thought about it for a second. "Yeah," he said. "We could do that. But what?"

"Let me see what you have," Verónica said. She took her brother's hand and looked at her wrist. All he had was a diagonal line. "We'll do roman numerals. I'll have one and you have two. Since I was born first."

Leorio smiled. "Yeah, that's good," he said. "Let me finish mine first, then you can do yours." He went back to sticking the needle in his skin.

It didn't take long for Leorio to finish the tattoo. Then he started the aftercare. He washed the tattoo as Verónica started hers. After washing it, he applied the ointment and wrapped it. Then he sat back across from his sister.

After a few seconds, he spoke. "Do you appreciate me being here," he asked. "Like...does anything feel different between us?"

"No. Why," was Verónica's answer.

"I feel like everyone else hates me now," Leorio said. "It feels different. Even Isa was treating me wrong."

Verónica sighed. "You see that over there," she said, gesturing to the wall.

Leorio looked over. "The cross," he questioned.

"Yeah," Verónica nodded. "That's why." She looked up. "Look, Leo, you married another man. Our dad is terribly catholic. Obviously, our family isn't too happy about you and Kurapika. Personally, I don't care and I don't think mom does either. But dad does, and he's teaching his kids that."

"He didn't teach us that," Leorio said. "At least, not at that age."

"We didn't have a queer sibling."

Leorio sighed. "Yeah...But Kurapika is so great. How could I not marry him?"

"I don't know. I don't care much for guys. Especially not the gay ones."

With a chuckle, Leorio said, "Yeah. I guess you wouldn't."

The two spent the rest of the night in the kitchen, even after finishing their tattoos. They talked and joked just like old times. Leorio was so grateful that it was just like old times.

*cutely changes Leorio's family because I forgot what I did with them*

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