Chapter 16

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It was morning and you had been awake for two hours, yet you hadn't moved a muscle. You could still feel the shadow of his lips on yours. You shuffled around to lay on your side and you smiled, letting out a small chuckle. You still couldn't process it. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and got up, then made your way into the main room.

Wilbur was sitting on the couch when he smiled at you. Just seeing him made your heart beat a thousand times faster. He jumped up from the couch and wrapped you in his arms - a 'good morning' hug.

"Good morning," he said.

"Morning," you replied.

"I see you're not wearing that necklace," he pointed out.

Your heart stopped.

"What?" you spluttered out.

"Your necklace? The one you wear every day?" he elaborated.

"Oh no," you gasped. "Oh no, no, no! I have to go get it."

"You left it back at your home, didn't you?"

"I did."

"Please, be careful. I'll wait for you here, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as possible."

After getting dressed, you hurried out the door and ran to the puddle. The thought of coming back for a necklace and not a friend wandered around in the back of your mind. Anastasia knew how special that necklace was to you and she wouldn't have wanted you to come back for her. You took a deep breath. Then jumped in.

How you hoped no one would see you.

Your surroundings changed and you found yourself back in front of your porch. The place where it all began. You looked down at your feet, but noticed that the puddle was nothing but a small droplet.

Oh no.

Your eyes shot upwards and you saw the townspeople surrounding you. You couldn't breathe.

"Welcome back, [Y/N], a pleasure for you to join us," one of them smirked.

"What did you do?" you spat.

"You know, you should've expected this from the beginning," they shrugged. "Maybe if you spoke to the other farmers, then maybe you'd have known of the upcoming drought. You just so happened to come out of the puddle at the last drop, somehow."

"So, you waited for me to come here? Sounds like fan behaviour," you said.

"You have no choice but to stay here now," they smiled. "There's no leaving."

They pushed you into your house, slamming the door behind you. You were sarcastic with them, but that didn't hide how hurt you were. The pain you were feeling was immeasurable. Wilbur would be waiting for you but you'd never come back. You had no way of telling him where you were - you left your phone back at the apartment and you doubted you'd be able to contact him from your world, anyway.

Tears threatened to spill as you stormed around the house, pacing back and forth. With the drought, it'd be a long time before you'd go back. Would the puddle in front of your porch even be there next rainfall? Would it still allow you to go back to Wilbur's world? You should have just left the necklace.

You glanced at where you had left it - the coffee table. It sat there, shimmering in the sunlight as if it was taunting you. You scooped it up in your hands and threw it across the room, letting out a loud, furious cry. You scrunched up your fingers in your hair and paced around once more, water streaming down your face.

You had just gotten what you wanted - Wilbur - and now everything was falling apart right in front of you.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"What?" you screamed.

The door opened and there stood Anastasia. Your anger subsided as soon as you made eye contact with her. You dropped your hands slowly to your side, tears still falling. Your breath quickened and you made a beeline straight toward her. You ran so fast that you pushed her back quite a distance as you hugged her. She wrapped her arms around you tighter than she did when you left.

"Anastasia, you're okay," you sighed into her hair.

"I am," she said. "The townspeople guarded the puddle every day and I begged you wouldn't come back. I saw your necklace on the coffee table and I knew you'd come back for it. Why? You idiot!"

"I know, I know," you said, rubbing your eyes.

"When Wren found out that you had been keeping a giant secret, he was furious," she told you.

"Great," you mumbled. "That's just great! Totally doesn't add up to my pile of worries. God, I just confessed to Wilbur as well..."

"Good on you!" Anastasia smiled. "I knew you'd do it. I hope the drought doesn't last for long, so we can find out if the puddle still works. Of course, I'm not trying to get rid of you, but still."

"I hope so too," you lamented.

"Do you want to stay at me and my dad's place?" Anna asked.

"How about you sleep over instead?" you suggested. "I don't want to stay too far near the town."

"Of course, though you'll have to face them sooner or later."

"I know."


It was the middle of the night and Anastasia was sleeping peacefully on the floor beside you. Listening to her slow breaths kept you from sinking too deep into your thoughts. You had been awake for who knows how long, and although you were beyond tired, you couldn't fall asleep.

You stared blankly at the ceiling - at least, you thought it was the ceiling. It was too dark to tell what you were looking at. The curtains were shut, blocking any moonlight that tried to enter. You let out a sigh and turned to lay on your side, where you looked down at Anastasia. She was a heavy sleeper, so your shuffling around didn't stir her.

The more you moved around, the more you became convinced that this all wasn't a terrible dream.

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