⤷for the sake of the game

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fuck YOU. forcecaptainanya

this was for an instagram competition, (basically online games in a td format it's really fun and you should do it if you have a total drama fandom account), and the host is @ biggestheathierrashipper on instagram! you all should play one of their seasons it's super fun 👍

the prompt was heathierra :)

i also wrote this in like one sitting and didnt read it over like at all so the pacing is probably off and there might be errors but idgAF.


as world tour progressed forward, the season that heather anticipated to be her time to shine had gradually declined into a stress inducing nightmare.

it was already hard enough dealing with people like alejandro, with his annoying as all hell flirting and egocentric manners.

what she was more concerned about was the makings of her team. gwen and courtney wanted heather out as soon as they lost, which meant heather had spent her time desperately fighting to get sierra and cody on her side and to keep them from submitting to the anti-heather propaganda. which meant she had to convince cody that heather was the only true friend he had on the team, and to convince sierra that everyone else wanted her out because of how creepy she was. which was surprisingly difficult, as the both of them were more perceptive that she anticipated.

so, in order to do that, heather came up with a plan.

step one. convince cody that he needed to tell sierra off, and get him to do it in the security of the cargo load. heather would provide a script he could rehearse a few days earlier.

step two. heather would wait outside of the cargo hold for cody to come out. there, she would congratulate him and stress the message that she was the only one that cared enough to help him fend off his stalker.

step three. mentally prepare to have to deal with cody's starwars vs startrek rants for the rest of the season as she walked down the stairs to the cargo load.

and, finally, step four. comfort sierra, casually drop that everyone wants to get sierra eliminated, and the two of them become close allies.

then, heather would be secured with one person on each side that trusts her and wants her safe. and when it comes down to just the three of them left, they would surely want eachother out before they want heather out.

and at that, heather congratulated herself for being smart enough to create allies and to utilize, rather than to be you-know-who and to dump them off the plane the second they came into use.

the plane shifted, and heather shook herself out of her mind and turned her attentions back onto the door of the cargo load. through the window, she could see cody awkwardly jogging up the stairs.

out of breath, he yanked the door open, slipped out, and slammed it shut behind him.

heather feigned a smile, putting a hand on his shoulder. "how'd it go, codester?" her use of that nickname almost made her gag, but she had to make sacrifices she supposed.

"dude..." cody looked up at her, his face pale and eyes wide.

"..what happened?"

"fuck if i know! i tried to be nice at first but she just kept denying shit and then... i sorta... said stuff... and then she burst out sobbing, like sobbing, and started talking but i couldn't understand her! i booked it away cause i can't deal with that crap... man, i feel horrible!" cody began to pace, biting his nails.

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