
745 11 71

ship: noco
genre: fluff i think idk????????????
word count: 2801 😳





extremely stupid or foolish.




"dude, you've gotta come and check out this new game i got."

"jesus christ, cody, you called me at nine in the morning about a video game?"

"yes! just come over, pretty please?"

"i don't care about your lameass x-box, okay? i dont care."

"no, you dont get it. this game is absolutely SHIT. you've gotta see how bad it is. i know you love ripping on stuff."


and then noah hung up.

cody sighed, tossing his phone to the other side of the couch and turning back to the television screen. he had been playing some video game based heavily off of starwars, except it was a ripoff that he got for $3.25 in the clearance section at a store that didnt sell videogames.

even though noah liked to pretend he didn't like cody at all, the two of them were close friends. they met in matheletes, a club required if you were taking any advanced math classes, and it carried on from there. cody dragged noah to his baseball games, cried to him about his failure of a love life, and everything inbetween. and, well, cody was invited to noah's house one time by his mom for dinner.

they stopped hanging out as much for a simple reason, cody gradually stopped reaching out to him. why, you may ask?

"i've written, like, ten heartbreak songs and i'm still not over gwen. there's only one thing left to do, isolate myself from her completely."
-trent mccord, the romance expert (cody thought)

yeah, cody anderson had a crush on noah stereca. not good, considering noah was the most emotionally unavailable person he ever met.

it wasnt like how it was with gwen. him and her werent even friends, so cody could humiliate himself constantly, ask her out every week, and not face any consequences. but if he were to do the same with noah, oh boy, thatd be a mess.

so with a lot of self control, he thought hed take a small break from hanging out with noah until it died down. he only hung out with him sometimes so that the friendship wouldnt fade completely, which is what cody wanted to avoid in the first place.

cody didnt know why he was taking indirect advice from a guy who when he was faced with a single problem, went to doing whatever it took to drown those emotions out with the artificial, temporary, bliss of a buzz or a high. but, it's not like he asked trent directly for help.

he kept quiet about it with everyone. even anonymous posting on his snapchat story. he figured it was just a phase. it's not a phase.

the doorbell rang, and cody had instinctively wondered if his parents had ordered pizza. they had been out on... something? he didnt know what. and everyone knows cody could hardly use a microwave right, so it wouldve been a nice gesture for them to order him food.

though theyd never done anything like that before, and hed certainly doubt theyd do that now, and so he wondered if trent was his generous saint. it was totally in character for him to do that, but he would deliver it himself and had a house key.

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