This One Won't Be Blue💚

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Wat was woken up by a sound of a loud bang that came from the kitchen in the condo he shared with his boyfriend Tine. The sun was shining bright outside. He got down from the bed and sleepwalked towards the kitchen rubbing his eyes. Tine was busy by the sink. He was washing all the pots and pans that he used to make egg rolls for Wat. Suddenly he felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around his waist. This was followed by his lover's head resting on his shoulder while blowing soft breaths to his neck.

"Good Morning Gorgeous" Wat whispered to his ear.

"Good Morning Baby. Did I wake you up again?" Tine asks worried since Wat had slept late the previous night after watching a football game and Tine had hoped to let the man sleep for as long as he prefers.

"No I have been up for sometime. I was just too lazy to get out of bed." Wat lied. He knew that Tine would get so worried if he gets to know that Wat woke up because Tine was being loud in the kitchen.

"Go brush your teeth then. I prepared breakfast. I know that you are hungry." Tine said leaning into Wat's back-hug.

"Can I eat you first then?" Said Wat placing a kiss on Tine's shoulder.

"No! Go brush your teeth and come have breakfast with me" Tine said in a stern voice although he was giggling inside. Wat didn't pay attention to what Tine said and went on kissing Tine all over his neck.

"No Wat!!!! Don't leave a hickey! Did you forget that we have to go for a christmas eve party at your house today? You're parents are going to be there and mine will be there too!" As much as Tine loved to continue what they were doing he didn't want to take any chances of being on the bad side of their parents. "Saraleo! Stop it now." This time Tine used a stern voice and he meant it.

"I'm just marking what's mine." Replied Wat faking innocence.

"You can mark me all you want after we come back home tonight. How does that sound?" Said Tine feeling the familiar butterfly flutters from his stomach. They have been dating for 5 years now but still he felt giddy every time he imagined or talked about it.

"My baby is the best." Said Wat rather pleased with himself. He knew that their parents wouldn't mind a hickey on Tine's body. But he also knew that their parents wouldn't stop teasing them about it and even if he ignores everything he knew that Tine would get embarrassed and that he would turn red like a tomato.

Wat gave Tine a peck on the lips and went to brush his teeth. Tine prepared the table for breakfast and scanned the closet to find cloths for them to wear for the christmas eve party. It was still many hours away but he preferred to be prepared than to rush the in last minute. Wat came back from the washroom and wore a short and a sleeveless tshirt. He came to their dinning area to find Tine scrolling through his phone while leaning against the table. Wat approached Tine from the back and snaked his hands around Tine's tiny waist.

"Let's eat now" Wat whispered sending chills throughTine's body. Tine turned around and pecked Wat's lips.

"Okay Grumpy" Said Tine getting up from the table. They had breakfast and spent the rest of the day decorating the condo. They went out to buy new decorations for the christmas tree and had lunch outside. They decorated the tree in blue and silver. They watched a movie and then started getting ready to go to Wat's house. Wat was happy about the cloths Tine chose for him. They got ready and went to Wat's house in his car. They reached the house around 6PM. The guests hadn't arrived yet so they went to Wat's room to wait until the rest of the guests showed up.

Tine had been to Wat's room many times before and he loved that room so much, even though the room was quite gloomy just like it's owner had been before they met. Tine sat on the bed and watched as Wat grabbed the guitar from the floor and made his way back to the bed to sit next to him.

"What do you want to listen to today?" Asked Wat playing some chords in the guitar.

"Sing me a song that explains your feelings right now."Tine said with a smirk. Wat left the guitar on the bed and pulled Tine to sit on his lap.

"Do you really want to know what I'm feeling right now?" Asked Wat slightly kissing Tine's shoulder. Tine stood uр and turned himself so that he would be facing Wat while sitting on his lap. He held Wat's face in his hands and looked at him lovingly.

"Yes." Tine said Placing a kiss on Wat's forehead.

"Well you're gonna have to wait sometime to know that. But I'll sing you a song for now." Said Wat hugging Tine hard before he got up from his lap and sat on the bed again. Wat took the guitar and started strumming the chords for "Falling like the stars" by James Arthur.

 Wat took the guitar and started strumming the chords for "Falling like the stars" by James Arthur

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Tine was in tears listening to the song. Wat noticed this and immediately put the guitar away to drag Tine back to his lap.

"Why are you crying baby? Did I make you sad?" Wat asked worried that he had ruined the mood for the surprise he had planned for later.

"No. I'm too happy. That's why I'm crying." Said Tine hiding his head on Wat's shoulder. Wat pulled him closer and gently stroked his back. They stayed like that until they were called downstairs. Everyone had arrived and the party started. There were Tine's parents, a few of Wat's and Phukong's(Wat's Brother) college friends, P'Mil (Phukong's Boyfriend), a few close relations, Wat's parents and the two boys. 

There was slow music playing in the background. They came down and greeted everyone.They spent sometime talking and catching up with their friends. Then "Blue Christmas" by Elvis Presley started playing.

"Come dance with me." Said Wat dragging Tine along with him. They came near the fire place and started swaying to the slow rhythm.

"But this one won't be blue." Wat whispered and started chuckling softly.

"Why?" Asked Tine knowing his answer pretty well.

"Because you are with me." Wat replied placing a soft kiss on Tine's forehead. As soon as the song ended all the lights went out. Tine was sacred and he tried to search for Wat so that he could hold him until the light's were back on, but the space where Wat was standing earlier was empty. Tine started to panic, Then suddenly the whole place lit up with fairy lights covering every Surface Tine could imagine. 

He was so lost in the beauty of fairy lights and confused why he hadn't noticed them earlier that he hadn't realized that Wat was kneeling in front of him. Tine gasped when his eyes finally landed on his lover.

"Tine Teepakorn, I don't even know where I should start but let me tell you the most important thing first. Thank you for coming into my life. I'm extremely thankful for the fact that we met at the scrubb concert that day. Thank you for walking into my life and changing me to become the person I am today. Before I met you my life was gloomy and lonely. It was you that added the brightest colours to my life and made me the happiest person alive. I can't explain with words how happy I am that destiny brought us to meet. So my dear Tine, Will you marry me?" Said Wat opening the ring box that he was holding revealing a beautiful silver ring.

Tine was too stunned to say anything. His eyes were filled with tears thanks to the confession his lover just made, He nodded his head as he couldn't get the right words out. Everyone started cheering as Wat placed the ring on his finger. Then Wat stood up and pecked his lips before hugging him.

"I love you Tine" Wat said pulling him as close as possible.

"I love you Wat" Said Tine hiding his head in the crook of Wat's neck. Standing there hugging Wat while their families and friends were cheering for them, Tine knew that this was where he belonged. In Wat's arms forever and ever. He offered a silent prayer to all the stars for bringing this amazing man into his life.


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