Chapter 6 ~ Snuffles

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The observer hadn't been in the room long before Dabria caught a note of their scent.

"Severus? What are you doing here? I'm slightly busy." Dabria was now half-naked, still in her blouse but with only her lacy underwear as she reached her bedside table for some pyjama shorts.

"My apologies. I'll leave."

"No, no. It's alright Severus. Just give me a moment to finish changing and I'll be right out."

Severus stood idly as she continued. Eventually, she opened the curtain in her shorts and tank top set as she continued to wrap her silk robe around her.

Severus couldn't help but scan her body as she did so. Her shorts showed off her perfect figure. She had the hip dips which he loved so much on a woman, her waist was small but not extreme, her chest the perfect size and he could see slivers of pink and silver stretch marks peaking out of the fabric.  Amongst those, on her beautiful, golden glowing tan skin, were silver scars, presumably from the transformations and the original attack. He hated the ones on Remus, he found them ugly and beastly. On her, however, they were beautiful, powerful and signified her strength. On her, he found they added to her already prominent beauty.

He coughed, clearing his mind in the process. "What is it, Severus?" He looked up to her eyes. Her hypnotic viridescent orbs held something of delight as she looked at him. Her perfect plump lips turned up in the corner. When she gave him that look, he felt something he hadn't in years. He felt comfort.

"I- Uhm. I was coming to see how the transformation was."

She laughed lightly at him. "You already asked me this at dinner. What is the real reason you're here?"

"Truth be told, I was going to ask if you would like to join me for late-night tea whilst I mark my papers. Although, you seem to be preparing for bed, so I shall leave instead."

"You are more than welcome to join us in here. I'm sure Remus wouldn't mind."

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her words. "I beg to differ."

"Now that you mention it, I do seem to remember something said from the first meeting in Dumbledore's office." He hummed in agreement, cringing inwardly at his disgusting behaviour towards Dabria. "May I ask what it is that happened between the two of you? What the cause is of all this... this childish behaviour?"

"It's a long story, I'm sure Lupin's side of the story would be different." He hung his head, his raven waves framing his face. In his mind, he was certain she would not believe his side of the story and would side with Remus instead.

As much as he hated Remus, he didn't really hate him, it was more so his choice in friends. Yes, Remus took part in their silly little pranks against Severus – and little did Severus know, most were actually his ideas – the majority of the teasing and tormenting was actually done by Sirius and James, Peter joining in like the little sheep he was back then. There was no rational reason for him to hate Remus - dislike yes, but hate no – still, he could not stand him for the friends he chose.

"Why's that?" She questioned, slightly hurt by his thought of her favouritism.

"The two of you seem close. Besides, when we were students, everyone chose to side with him and his group of deviants."

"Severus, have you thought that that may be because of the way you both treat others? Remus was immediately welcoming to me, and you on the other hand were rude, cold and shut me out."

The Potions professor felt guilty, he regretted his ill-treatment of her, even if it did only last a little under two weeks. He knew she was right, so he just stood there silently.

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