A Peachy Appearance (unillustrated)

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Miss Peach was hurriedly going out of her car, "Oh no, I'm late!"

She was wearing a sweet maroon dress, which had short, slightly poofy sleeves. The dress was pinched in the waist with a thin belt, as the wide knee-length skirt can show it's pleats. She paired this with lighter gloves, purse, and heels. A pearl necklace sits on her neck, and on her head a headband.

She took Socks and puts the little cat inside her open purse, and took out an umbrella. She carefully walked to the front porch of the, in her opinion, rather scary mansion. She checked her invite one last time, confirming the address. 

"Well, this is definitely a hill house."


"You're right, this is too big to only be a house, Maybe more of a Mans-"

All of the sudden, the dogs, covered in shadow, began barking madly at her cat. The sudden noise made Socks so scared, that he decided that hiding further in the peach purse will be safer. Sock's sudden motion almost made Peach stumble, although she caught herself before anything happens. Making sure she was presentable, she then rang the door bell. Hoping that inside would be a better place to stay than out.

The door opened to a well dressed man, he seemed to be a butler of sorts... at least from Buddy's written descriptions of his butler. He stared at her for a second, seeming a little confused. Deductive reasoning must have hit his face for he gave her a polite smile.

"Ah, you must be Miss Peach, you are expected." The butler greeted.

"Well, this feels more of a hill mansion than a hill house..."

The butler doesn't say a thing and just smiles as he steps aside and lets Miss Peach inside. Glad to get out of the rain, she steps inside to a very large hallway and gives her umbrella to the butler. 

The mansion seemed to have two main floors, she, from the lower floor, began looking everywhere. The square wooden floors are polished, matching the dark woods that make up much of the mansion's interior, like the stairs and pillars. The walls are covered with white to light-grey wallpaper, and decorated with numerous large paintings. And from the ceiling hang two very intricate chandeliers, one could only think how a single rope can hold all that.

Definitely much more space than her own house, Socks would love to run in such a spacious area. Mr. Boddy must be rich to be able to afford such a place... chandelier and all.

She seemed to be staring too long, for poor little socks needed to nudge and meow loudly multiple times to snap her back to reality. 

The butler doesn't seem to mind, as he was just waiting for any verbal response from her... and the cat. 

The butler looked at the cat as if he recognised Socks, and deciding to also acquaint the cat, he asked for its name.

"And who is this?" Referring to the cat.

"This is Socks, I never go anywhere without my cat."

"And he fits in your purse?"

"Sock's quite small, he fits in most of my purses, maybe even your pockets."

"Mew." Socks chirped in disagreement.

She went to pick Socks up, showing the little thing to the butler, who proceeded to pet it. Socks is not so pleased with this, for it keeps trying to look back to Miss Peach in a sort of annoyed expression.

"Well Ma'am, I am Wadsworth, the butler." He introduced himself, " And I believe we should join the others, they may be surprised to find one little extra guest." 

Wadsworth walked with Miss Peach, and showed her to the library. He opens the door where the other guests have been chatting and drinking, and proceeded to introduce her to everyone. Miss Peach doesn't miss the seemingly cold and tense feeling in the air.

"Everyone, this is Miss peach"


"And this is Socks" Miss Peach added.

A few 'awe's are heard around the room. It seems the appearance of the cat has slightly ease the air. 

"Well that definitely evens our numbers," commented one of the guests.

"May I pet the kitty?" The maid with her heavy french accent excitedly asked from the back of the room.

"Of course!"

The maid happily bounced all the way, across the room, to go up and pet Socks. The cat doesn't seem to squirm as much, realising that his fate as a petting station is sealed.

"And this is Yvette," Wadsworth clarified, "the maid."

"E'llo Mademoiselle!"

The guests also began to introduce themselves. 

Colonel mustard, the large moustached man. Mrs. White, the cool and composed woman. Mrs. Peacock, the over-the-top dressed elder woman. Mr. Green, the clumsy man with glasses. Professor Plum, the pipe addicted, clearly intellectual. And finally Miss Scarlet, a young and beautiful woman.

Wadsworth was doing a head count of the guests. He deliberates to himself if he should count Socks, considering it is a cat. Upon that thought, he excused himself to go and re-arrange some seats, perhaps to accommodate for the meowing guest.

Left on their own, Peach let go of Socks, letting him roam and explore the room. Socks began running everywhere, over the chairs, under tables. Yvette even followed the cat for a bit, absolutely infatuated by his tiny steps. Socks began pestering some of the guests, swatting their ankles. His futile attempt to attack however, was only met with more endearment towards the little thing.

Peach had received her glass of champagne, although not taking any sips. She believes that soberness is probably important when they would supposedly talk of 'important financial liabilities'. She decided to go stand next to Mr. Green and Mrs. Peacock, as they seemed to be the only ones starting any conversation. 

Well, It was mostly Mrs. Peacock.

"Well Miss Peach, your little cat seemed to be quite the socialite." started Peacock.

"Off course, he hasn't been out with people recently. He must be very exited to see... some new faces."

Peach was about to pick up said cat, but she can't find him on the floor. She panicked, Looking almost everywhere, under tables, chairs, and even some books. She even threw accusatory looks at everyone else in the room.

A high pitched "Mew" is heard.

That's when she noticed Socks hiding in one of the bookshelves. Apparently while they were busy talking, the adventurous kitty has find his way to climb to a high shelf, the one right next to the door. Though it seems, Socks had no way down, the poor thing calling out to his mom.

"Come down Socks, it's not that safe up there!" Peach called out.

Socks was preparing to jump when-


Socks involuntarily jumped in surprise, right to Peach's face. At the same time, Mr. Green jumped and spilled his drink all over poor Mrs. Peacock.


Miss Peach managed to wrangle the shocked Socks into her purse. Right on time, as Wadsworth walks in, and announced dinner.

"I'm sorry..." Green apologised after seeing his spill. "I'm afraid I'm a little accident prone.." he says as he tries to dry Peacock's sleeve. Peacock just rolled her eyes from his antics.

After recovering from the slight shock, the guest began to walk out of the library. One by one, they followed the butler to the dining room. Meanwhile the maid starts to go grab their meals from the kitchen, which is right next to the dining room. 

The butler had also made a point to stand by the door, hiding the cook from the guests, who was also going to the kitchen.

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