A Study and Green

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When they left their seats, the men had the courtesy of stepping aside, letting the women go before them. Miss Peach grabbed her furry son and immediately tailed it out of the dining room. She didn't like the tense sensation she felt after the announcement, and even more so the small excitement of meeting the host. She wanted to talk to the others on the walk there but felt like it wasn't the appropriate time.

"Well Socks, what have we gotten ourselves into?" Her only reply was from the cat's worried glare.

They entered the study and find it... empty. Not a single person was in sight, it seems the host is very secretive about their identity that they didn't even think to show up. This confused everyone, other than Wadsworth. But then again, he never showed much concern during the whole event it would feel unusual for him to even start. This does, however, raise much suspicion around him, especially from the guests.

"Please help yourselves to some brandy, and be seated."

Everyone filled the room. The study is actually more spacious, Socks would definitely like to run around this room. There were dark wood furnishings everywhere, a cabinet, some tables, and a desk. There are more bookshelves, and a few sofas, maroon to match the room's tan. Peach silently fast-walked and claimed one of the smaller sofas for herself.

Joining her on the opposite large sofa is Mr Green, who like most guests, also studied the study. She notes his weird behaviour in the dining room and decided to test a theory.

"Mr Green, right?"

"Ehm... Yes... yes, that's me?"

"Well, I believe I hadn't properly talked with you since the library incident."

Mr Green was silent for a bit before responding. "Yes... I'm afraid I no longer trust myself near any glass or liquid. I have spilt on two people already and I don't want to ruin the... event more than it has?"

Peach does note that he seems to be very clumsy, he probably could crash a table or two. Although, that wasn't the thing she had her suspicions on. No, it was the fact that he kept looking at her cat. Unlike the others, he seems to be looking at Socks with wary. Like the thing was going to attack him in some way. Even now, as they are talking, he keeps stealing glances at the cat. Now that he is in conversation, she plans to, essentially, throw the cat at him and see what happens. And that's exactly what she did.

"I forgot to introduce my cat to you, you probably would like to pet her."

"Oh not really, I'm sure it's probably soft."

"Exactly why you should pet him."

"No, not really, I'm fine with it." Mr Green is starting to lean away from her.

"No, no I insist" She takes socks out of her purse.

That made Green scoot away, "Miss Peach I'm quite sure I don't-"

"Oh come on, everyone else did it." She pursued him with the cat, "It would be unfair for you to not."

Mr Green was now cornered on the other side of the sofa, silently panicking and holding his breath. This only motivated Miss Peach to hold the cat closer to him, eyeing him full of mischief. He relents, and goes to hold the cat, but-


Followed by everyone saying "Bless you" at the same time. 

It was the loudest sneeze she'd ever heard, coming straight from the now-flustered Mr Green.

"Ah, I was worried about this, you see, I'm quite allergic to cats. I... wouldn't want to worry anyone with it. I should've told you beforehand, apologies." 

"No, I should apologise, I'm the one who forced Socks onto you."

The tension in the room slightly dissipates, and everyone feels less on edge. That is until Wadsworth produced an envelope and began addressing everyone in the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm instructed to you what you all have in common with each other. Unless you would care to do the honours, Mr Boddy?"

Everyone's head snapped in Boddy's direction, all eyes beckon him for an answer. Thoroughly startled, he stiffly stood up, as if going to say something... and booked it out the door. Wadsworth ran after him, yelling about how there was no escape. Miss Peach and the other guest took a peek right outside the doorframe, hearing their scuffle from the direction of the conservatory, or what they could see of it. 

After a few verbal jabs at each other, they could see Wadsworth essentially dragging Boddy back in the direction of the study. Not wanting to get caught, all the guests returned to their previous places, pretending to be busy conversing among themselves.

The now slightly irked butler now entered the room, "He tried to run out from the study, thankfully I got to him before the dogs did."


"This is an outrage!" Boddy yapped, "You can't keep us prisoner!"

That brought everyone's attention. Prisoner? Was this party a mere front? Everyone's panic began to set in, and all hastily agree with Boddy's input on their situation. Wadsworth was now on his last nerve, he had to yell at them to control the guests. "Yes, the place is secured. The doors are locked, the windows are barred, and the grounds are patrolled by dogs."


"BUT, please calm back down, for I can explain everything I. Assure. You."

At his assistance, everyone found a seat and, though they hadn't calmed down, kept their mouths shut. Content with the silence, the butler once again took upon the envelope.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you all have one thing in common. You're all being blackmailed."

The following round of gasps would have been comical if not for the tense atmosphere.

... Wait, blackmail?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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