Table Manners (unillustrated)

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The dining room was elegantly decorated. The mahogany table greeted them with its fancy candlesticks, silvers, and expensive china. The 8 seats are arranged in an orderly manner, the chairs facing each other. In front of one of the seats, which noticeably has a pile of cushions, had a bowl of pet food in place of a plate. The room itself was quite small, this time the walls are green, covered with paintings, and the space decorated with candles and fancy lights.

"You will find your names besides you places, Please be seated" told the butler.

Everyone spreads. Each guest going around the table looking for their seats. It was easy to spot Sock's place, he was somewhere near the edge of the table. Next to him was Miss Peach, to her Mrs. Peacock, and lastly Mr. Green, Who seems to be satisfied with the seating arrangement. On the opposite end of the table was Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Professor Plum, and Miss Scarlet. 

Before they started eating, they all noticed the disturbingly empty seat at the head of the table.

The colonel couldn't help but ask the butler about it.

"Is this place for you?"

"Indeed no sir." Came the answer, "I am merely a humble butler."

"So what exactly do you do?"

"I buttle, sir." The butler deadpanned, which almost got Miss Peach to snicker.

"Which means... what?"

"The butler is the head of the kitchen and dining room, I keep everything... tidy. That's all."

This explanation seemed to satisfy the colonel, as he continued to sit back down. It was Peacock's turn to ask the butler.

"Well what's all this about butler. This... Dinner party?"

"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do or die." The butler answered smoothly.

"Die?" a slightly terrified professor asked.

"Merely quoting sir." He clarified, "From Alfred Lord Tennyson."

"I prefer Kipling myself." The colonel butted in. This earned him a glare from all the women present. "The female of the species is more deadly than the male." He quoted. "Do you like Kipling Miss Scarlet?"

Miss Scarlet was too hungry to consider his context. "Sure, I'll eat anything."

After a few seconds, their cups and goblets are filled, and food was coming to their empty plates. Save for little Socks, who had been ignoring everyone and is happily eating his bowl of cat food. Yvette with a tray of shark fin soup went around the table, putting them down for them to eat. When Yvette left, some still noticed the empty seat and plate on the head table. 

"So, is this for our host?"

"Indeed no sir, it's for the seve- sorry, ei- no, um.." Wadsworth still have the difficulty of counting in Socks as a guest. "Ninth... yes, ninth guest. Mr. Boddy."

"Buddy?" Miss Peach mishears.

"No ma'am, B - o - d - d - y, Bod-dy."

"Oh... wait what?"

This revelation made all the guest's heads turn. The confusion running rampant on their faces, looking at anyone for clarification. They have thought this whole time that Mr. Boddy was their host, not another guest. 

"So who is our host, Wadsworth?"

The butler just ignored the question, pretending to not heard anything as he smiles and pour some wine.

With this, the guests decided to drop the topic and opted to start eating instead. Mrs. Peacock tries to stall this however, explaining that they should wait for Mr. Boddy's arrival before they start.

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