8: Dinner Date with Friend(s) - #Part 2

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A/N: Drama, drama and more drama!!

Trouble's brewing up in both GulfMew and BrightWin ships but are they aware of it?!


"-you are kidding me, right? Mew! Tell me you are not being serious?"

At P'Tul's befuddled and frankly offended tone, Mew has no other choice but to come clean. Well, as clean as he could get without risking the older omega's unpredictable temper. If he isn't careful with his explanation, P'Tul could easily ditch his medical camp and catch the first bus to Bangkok in lieu of hunting down Mew and P'Light.

"Er, relax Phi. It's just dinner. We are not too far from home and trust me, P'Light has been nothing short of a prince towards me."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of, Mew. Princes only exist in fairytales and even then, they have a reputation of breaking several hearts of innocent peasants before moving on and finding another damn royalty to get hitched, disappearing into a freaking castle together." P'Tul's growl echoes from the tiny speakers on his phone.

Mew winces, casting furtive glances over his shoulder to check if anyone's in the vicinity.

He excused himself from the table, fleeing to the washroom as soon as P'Tul called him. Didn't want P'Light to accidentally catch any offending remarks from his over-protective foster brother, thanks to the elder's propensity for loud volumes whenever he's upset.

"I'm not living in a drama series, Phi. And, P'Light was just looking out for me, as always. You know he is a good guy and a respectable alpha, Khab. Otherwise, you would have chased him away a long time ago!" He tries to remind the medical student that P'Light won his approval, fair and square.

And gosh, if P'Tul isn't still upset and raging mad!

"- I can't believe that fucker had the gall to show up at your place when I'm not around to chaperone. Just because I didn't automatically show him the door, doesn't mean Light could drop by whenever he wants. What the hell was he thinking ... visiting and taking you out for dinner so late?"

Mew sighs, already tuning out the rest of P'Tul's incensed lecture. Feels stuffy and irritated for no reason making him wonder if perhaps the events of today are finally catching up to him.

Everything went wrong for him since the day begin. Starting with breaking his favorite mug by accident, the slight grievances of his workplace, that annoying alpha with his irresistible looks and awful social etiquette scaring the living daylights out of him, and also other random stuff in the middle that kept Mew in a bad mood. Finally there's the cherry on top – imagining Gul- no, no need to remember his name, imagining the rude alpha when he climaxed – everything was a huge mess. The only silver lining to this never ending list of unfortunate incidents is grabbing dinner with P'Light. Unfortunately, P'Tul found a way to spoil even that ... although, he knows the older guy had only his best intentions at heart when sabotaging Mew's time with the alpha.

The younger omega could simply never understand why his brother resents P'Light's presence in their lives and particularly, his home so much. Contrary to his brother's antagonism, Mew always felt secure and happy around the modest alpha – looking forward for his company akin to a kid waiting eagerly for summer holidays.

Perhaps, he shouldn't have confided about his little crush to P'Tul.

The sour look on his Phi's face, scent turning heavy with worry and something else when Mew opened up about his feelings for P'Light along with suspicions about them being potential mates is a memory the artist could never forget. P'Tul had given him another spontaneous sermon on mate bonds, alpha-omega relationships, ruts and safe sex practices of all things for the next two hours. Until, a red faced Mew had to beg him to stop after promising the older omega he has no intentions of getting involved in a casual physical relationship, let alone confess his crush without getting a clear signal from P'Light.

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