for maximum reading

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Okay, so just a quick guide because I love you and I want you to enjoy reading this. READING THIS PART IS IMPERATIVE FOR YOU TO READ WITH EASE.

- This book is written in point of view of the main character, Miyu, and each chapter would be at least a thousand-word long.

- All dialogues marked at the start with either [SPA], [ENG] or any other three-letter abbreviation indicate the language it is spoken;

ENG - English

SPA - Spanish

FIL - Filipino

- All Japanese dialogues will be written in italics.

- If a dialogue doesn't have any language marker, then it is spoken in English.

- If a dialogue has two or more language changes, then please expect these markers at the beginning of the sentence wherein the language shift occurred.

I'll add some other points when I encounter them as I write.

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