go: a look back

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Hanyu and I arrived at a certain building, it looked like a corporate one although there were stores and restaurants on the first level.

He led the way into some hallway that consequently led to a set of elevators. We took the first one as it was the only elevator that was vacant.

Pressing a button, the elevator doors closed and I was left to see an blurry reflection of both Yuzuru and I.

For some reason, I kept staring at him through the door's reflection whilst he looked up at the ascending floor numbers.

"I might melt in your gaze," he spoke up without looking back at me.

What the hell, he caught me staring; well, I think it's partially my fault for not even trying to gaze sneakily. I could practically feel my cheeks burning and my heart ramming itself against my ribcage. Wild heart, indeed.

Feeling embarrassed, I tore my eyes away from his reflection, hearing him laugh while he turned his body to face me, "I didn't know that you could transform into a tomato in just a few seconds."

Not backing down to his taunting, I gave Hanyu a sweet smile, "Wanna transform into a dead body in just a few seconds? I can help you."

Playing along, he stepped back, "How scary."

The elevator dinged and we finally stepped out, heading directly to a room that looked similar to an office but not quite.

A middle-aged man sat there, obviously waiting for Hanyu.

"Ah, Yuzu!" the man smiled upon our entrance, "I see you brought company."

"Yes, she is my primary physician, the best there is," he answered before facing me, "This is Kurihada-san. He's my nutritionist since 2013."

I bowed towards the man before taking the latter's extended hand for a shake.

"Have you known about Yuzu's eating habits?" Kurihada asked me.

Well, no. I haven't eaten with Hanyu ever since we met. I haven't even hung out with him out of the club!

I shook my head, "Ah, no. I haven't had meals with Hanyu-san just yet."

"Hanyu? I though you're both friends? Why are you calling him by his last name?" Kurihada probed, chuckling lightly before giving Yuzuru a disapproving look.

Right then, Hanyu faced me with his hands on his waist, "Yeah, why are you still calling me by my last name?"

I gave him a slight nudge in response before both men went to business.

Apparently, Hanyu doesn't do well in eating; as per the nutrition expert, his appetite was limited due to the fact that his stomach moves slowly making him feel full quickly then feel hungry again some time later.

I pitched in a few ideas about which food could help his digestion especially since he needs to up his nutrient intake for competitions and eating so little wasn't ideal.

Finishing up the appointment, Hanyu and I headed to Yasu, a Japanese restaurant. Of all types of food that this boy could eat, nothing beats Japanese cuisine in his preference.

The restaurant was a blockbuster but we managed to get inside as soon as we arrived. Y'all, if you could only see the look on Hanyu's face when I told him we're skipping the queue, it was like he's not too sure whether to be happy that we're getting in or guilty that we cut lines. It's funny.

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