yon: miyu-chan

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"I'll go again," Hanyu's voice echoed around the rink, getting up from a fall.

Brian, who was trailing behind him, nodded.

We were back in Toronto and Hanyu is currently training again, completely recovered from his accident and was now working twice as hard.

He failed to finish on a podium during the last NHK Trophy competition but he was still qualified to the finals, at least that's what Brian explained to me.

I couldn't forget the look he had on his face during the awarding — the way he was holding back tears yet was clapping genuinely to those who won — it was too precious.

But I guess that just made him more determined than ever. By how he is training so hard lately, I am getting scared that he might injure himself all over again.

I had dropped by to watch his training a couple times already and there was always one thing that's common, it was his unwavering, undying passion.

It was his third straight fall yet Hanyu showed no signs of giving up.

Just as I was about to turn to leave the rink, I hear my name being loudly called out, "Miyu-chaaan!"

I felt the second-hand embarrassment creeping in my veins as almost every skater who was in session right now looked at my direction.

I faced the rink again as Hanyu skated his way towards me.

"What are you doing tonight?" he asked.


He crossed his arms, "Can you come with me? I have an appointment later at around seven thirty or eight."

Sir, do I look like your secretary or something?

"No," I replied, matching the crossed arms he had.

Hanyu tilted is head, "Please? I could also use your help and expertise."


Well, that didn't age well. I surely need to work on being firmer in saying no. Then again, how do you refuse when his pout is getting deeper and deeper while his eyes pierce straight to your soul?

He pumped his fist into the air, yelling like a kid at school, "I'll see you after my training?"

"Meet me after six thirty, I have to finish some work," I replied.

Going back to my office, I was on my way in when the door next to mine open and the woman I hated stepped out.

"Oh, our offices are right next to each other," she cackled, wanting to provoke and get a reaction from me as usual.

I rolled my eyes, "No shit, Sherlock."

Kayleen leaned on her now closed door, "You know, you should learn how to move on and be mature about it. Let bygones be bygones."

"Bygones be bygones, my ass."

"Why, still can't get over the fact that not everything is about you? That despite being the highly proclaimed prodigy, you aren't what they thought you are."

"Yeah, whatever. I still don't get why they hired a second year ortho resident; Toronto Cricket deserves quality expertise," I shrugged, pushing my way inside my office.

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