ichi: airport madness

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It was around eight in the evening and I have just arrived home after a serene night walk. I deliberately left my phone at home so I could have some time to myself and think.

I was on a vacation and being in Japan felt like home but it also felt foreign. I left this country when I was two so I really didn't have any vivid memories here yet but I am definitely determined to make some.

"How was your walk?" my dad asked as I was taking my shoes off by the door.

"It went fine, it was cold though," I chuckled. "I'll head to my room now!"

My parents tried hard to incorporate a multi-cultural upbringing with us, their children, especially since dad was a Japanese, mom was a Spanish-Filipino, and we're living in Canada; it was a lot to handle but they were champs for not giving up in teaching us values of each culture. It was funny when back then, dad would refuse to talk to us if we aren't speaking Japanese and mom would do the same with Spanish and Filipino, it was total language chaos.

Plopping down on my bed, I took my phone only to be met with fifteen missed calls from Brian.

Is there something wrong? As far as I know, he is coaching in a competition right now.

I called him up in FaceTime and not even a minute passed when his face appeared on my screen.

"Sorry, I was out. What's up?" I asked.

"We had an accident here like more than an hour ago," he started. He shifted the camera to the rear view and pointed it to a sleeping man; they were in the car and the guy was sleeping.

He looked peaceful; his skin looked so soft that it could rival those of a baby's although it might just be a camera trick but anyways. Despite the awfully changing lighting because they were travelling, I could make out that a bandage was wrapped around his head.

"Oh, who's that?" I questioned, not familiar to who he is or what happened to him. I am repeating this, I am not a fan of any figure skater or any athlete in general, cut me some slack.

"It's Yuzuru Hanyu, the back injury guy from September," Brian answered, hoping it would ring some bells.

"Ah!" I exclaimed, remembering Mr. Hanyu as the patient I diagnosed without seeing because he didn't show up for training that day, "What the freak happened to him?"

"During the warm-up, he collided with another skater. He was bleeding."

I don't like where this is heading.

I frowned, "Did you let him compete?"

Brian didn't respond but I guess I had an answer to that.

"Come on, Bri. Why did you let him?"

I am frustrated. Why would you even let an injured person jump and spin on a slippery surface? It's total nuts!

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