nana: hey, child

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"Miyu-chan!" a woman squealed, her voice echoing down the hall.

I gave her a small smile and returned the hug she gave me as soon as she reached where I stood, "How are you, Shimizu-san?"

Shimizu was my senior in the medical industry, she was already a fellow when I was just in residency — although we were in different departments — so just imagine our age gap. Upon completing her fellowship in Canada, Shimizu flew back to Japan to practice medicine, wanting to be "closer to home".

"I'm fantastic. I hear you have a case for me?" she asked, never the one to beat around the bush.

I nodded, following her to her office when she ushered me in.

Sitting on her chair and clasping her hands together, Shimizu looked at me, "Okay, tell me what you know."

"To be honest, I don't know much," I started, "He's been having pain in the umbilical and hypogastric region, tender to touch, and patient exhibits discomfort and grimacing. After about a day, there's now a lump below his navel.That's about it. I read journals last night about possible cases but diagnostic examination still needs to take place."

Shimizu nodded, "Well, the symptoms are quite general and I do agree on running some tests for him. Do you know when can I meet this patient?"

Just as I was about to reply, my phone beeped. I pulled it out and it was Yuzuru telling me that he just landed.

The day before, after the free program, I flew back to Japan to refer Yuzuru to a specialist. Of course, even if I was his primary physician, I am not qualified to treat illnesses out of my specialty which makes it basically one of my responsibilities to find someone to treat him in my stead.

I went ahead of him to set him an appointment as his abdominal problem seemed to be progressing. He was in pain prior to the free skate that I even told him to sit it out but Yuzuru being Yuzuru, of course, he refused and played it out.

He stayed for another day to participate in the Grand Prix Final Gala and he just landed minutes ago.

"He'll come straight here, he just landed," I informed.

Shimizu and I spent the next minutes talking and just catching up with each other. Apparently, we have been so out of touch that I didn't hear about the news that she was getting married. Nevertheless, she gave me an invitation and told me that my attendance is imperative, it's scheduled next year, anyway.

Incoming call from Yuzuru-san.

I excused myself from Shimizu who just nodded and typed away on her computer. I turned to the side and answered his call.

"Where are you?" I asked.

I heard him chuckled at the other end of the line, "Well, hello to you too."

"Go up, I'll text you the room number of the doctor's office."

"Eh, come and get me," he whined. "I'm a patient, you know."

"Okay," I answered.

By the sound of his reaction, I'm pretty sure that he is surprised that I didn't put up a fight against going down to get him.

I faced Shimizu before bowing, "I'll just fetch him from the lobby."

My senior nodded and I left her office.

By the time I was down the lobby, I spotted him sitting on the reception area, hunched over and clutching his stomach. Poor Yuzu.

Sighing, I made my way over and stood in front of him. Slowly, he lifted his head and smiled, "It hurts."

Clicking my tongue, I offered my arm so he could pull himself up to stand, "I know so let's go see a doctor."

He took hold of my arm and slowly rose up from his seat, "I saw you now, does that count as seeing a doctor?"

I gave him a glare and he just laughed silently.

Because he was in pain, his movements were quite slow that we reached the elevator slower than we normally would.

As it dinged, we went inside and I pushed the button to the respective floor.

The elevator door closing made me remember the previous incident with the elevator back then; this time, I made sure not to look at him through the reflection and instead, leaned on the elevator wall and spoke to him, "How was the flight?"

"Not well. My stomach was so painful that I couldn't even sleep."

"May I?" I asked, nodding over to his stomach.

Albeit a bit confused and clueless, Yuzuru nodded.

I lifted his shirt up and looked at stared at his abdomen. The lump below his belly button grew a bit bigger; not a lot but it is still noticeable to skilled eyes.

"Is it painful?" I asked, debating whether I should touch the lump and examine it again.

"Obviously," Yuzuru replied.

I mean, okay, that was a dumb question.

"Rate it. One to ten, ten being the highest," I quipped, finally touching the lump with caution, my eyes firmly gazing to the matter at hand.

As he was making sounds that he was thinking, the elevator doors flew open and an elderly woman were staring at us with eyes wide like saucers.

Why the hell did I not hear the elevator ding?

Embarrassed, I immediately removed my hand from his abdomen and pulled his shirt down. I could practically feel Yuzuru shaking with silent laughter beside me as the woman stared at me with judging eyes as she rode the elevator with us muttering under her breath, "Ah, kids these days."

"When I was younger, my parents really did not even let me get close to a guy," the woman suddenly spoke up, shaking her head.

My gaze met Yuzuru's as he stifled another set of giggles, mouthing the words, "You're dead."

My hands were getting clammy as the elder went on about how today's generation was quickly changing. Why couldn't this elevator go up faster?

I sighed in relief when the elevator ride came to an end and opened to our floor, Yuzuru and I slowly made our way out not until the woman, with her old and raspy voice, called out to me.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile despited how embarrassed I feel in front of her.

The lady held up a finger at me as if warning me, "Hey, child. You should be careful and take it slow with your boyfriend. You're still too young."

And with that, the elevator doors closed as Yuzuru's laughter echoed down the hall, "Hey, child. Did you just get roasted by an old lady?"


[A/N]: Please, I love it when y'all vote and comment. Ily y'all. 😭💛

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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