Ponyboy for Amanda

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As soon as I got home from school, I grabbed the mail from the mailbox and scanned for a letter from my cousin's boyfriend, Trent. We're pen pals and he's suppose to be helping me get to America from New Zealand. I want to be an actor/comedian. At last, there was an eggshell white envelope with my name on it. I ripped it open, and inside was a plane ticket. There was also a note that said," Hey Moony!, Im so glad me and Angela were able to get you a flight down here! Of course, you're going to be living with your cousins, so don't worry about a place to stay! I also, talked to Larry Greene, the man who owns the theatre/restaurant where you can get a start on you're career. Don't worry about you're stage fright and anxiety! You're very talented! See you when you get here, Trent " I'm moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma. It says I'm gonna live with my cousins Angela, Tim, and Curly Shepard. YES!

I ran inside and starting stuffing my bags with all the things I'm taking to America. My parents are both drunks and crazies, they probably won't know I'm gone. I'll write a note just in case, so I don't end up on milk cartons across the globe. The airport isn't too far away, so I just walk there. After I get my baggage stuff done, I have five minutes til I board, so I buy a pop tart from the vending machine. ( a/n sorry if New Zealand doesn't have those! 😁)

Stepping out of the airport, I really like America so far. I've only been once before, last year, to meet my cousins. I was following the address to their house, when I heard yelling and screaming. I turned around and there was a big group of boys coming right for me! Not knowing what to do, I skidded to a halt and screamed as loud as I can, so somebody will hear me. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground and a boy is on top of me. I keep screaming and they shove a rag in my mouth. I closed my eyes tight and waited for what was coming next when the weight of the boy was released off me. When I opened my eyes, there was a boy chasing the people away with a blade. Then, he ran up and kneeled beside me.

"Are you okay?!" He asked. "Y-yeah I think so." He was a little thrown off by my accent. "I'm Johnny. You're new here aren't ya?" He asked. "Yes. I'm here to live with my cousins, the Shepards." I explained. "O-oh wow. Okay. Umm your stomach is cut, do you want me to take you to my buddies' house to getcha fixed up?" He offered. "Thank you." I said, and we walked to the house. After Johnny introduced me to everyone and I got stitches from Darry, we all decided to hang out. I had so much fun! I told them all my story, and why I was here. they were really interested. I couldn't help but notice Ponyboy is hot! He kept looking at me, so I hope that's a good thing and he likes me back. Then he did something I never thought he would do.

"Hey Amanda, do you think we could talk outside for a minute?" he asked nervously. "Sure." I said and we sat on the porch. "Look, I know you got here today and all, but I like you alot. You're so funny and beautiful, I love your personality and- my point is, will you do me the honors of being my girl?" He asks, making my heart melt. "Of course I will!" I squealed and we kissed. Then, we heard hollering and shouting. Everybody had watched us through the screen door and listened! This is going to be an amazing journey...

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