Chapter Four

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Today's Date: August 30, 2011

My head and back is killing me. I swear that I'll never sleep in this piece of shit car again. Rest Stop was not busy like I thought it would be but hearing those semi's come in and out was making me want to snap. I knew that wasn't a good idea so, I just took a deep breath and calmed myself down. Only if I had used that idea instead of beating Louis then I wouldn't be at this fucked up rest stop. I got to stop thinking about the past. It's going to kill me if I don't and I refuse to let that happen. I started driving and went to one of those little convenient stores and got me a prepaid phone because there was no way in hell I would turn back on my old phone and cops fucking track me down. I activated the phone instantly and called Bryan because I needed to explain myself. Of course, the fucker ignored the call because of the weird number so, I left a voicemail. "Bryan, hey dude! It's Vince! Listen, I know your probably pissed at me for going crazy and running off like that but please give me a call back so, I can explain myself. I need you man. Bye!" God, I hope he calls me back soon. Maybe, he can give me some insight on what damage I've done to Louis. Why am I so fucked up? I wish someone could just answer that for me but nobody can because no one cares so, why should I? Anyways, I can't sit here and roll around in pity all day! I better hit the road and get going again. I'll write back when I have a chance.. 

Until Next Time,


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