Chapter Nineteen

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Today's Date: October 25, 2011

Dear Journal,

I haven't left the treehouse since I got back from watching that rat. Now that I think about I should leave and go look for food because my stomach is pleading with me to eat something. My energy level is not at it's best right now but that's my fault. I stood up and knocked the dust off my clothes and headed for the steps. Walking to the road was harder than I thought but I had to use the last bit of strength I had to make it to the motel. The reason why I decided I was heading to the motel was because I know that the crack head had his ways of making money and I needed him to make me a few bucks to get a quick bite. When I got to the motel, he was standing there as always; looking like a disaster. He probably had a better night than I did. He looks at me with fear in his eyes but I told him to relax. I asked him if he could get me a few bucks so, I could get me a bite to eat and if he helped me, I would steal him two beers from the nearest store. I guess I sealed the deal because he gave me a toothless smile. After about thirty minutes of him begging everybody in the fucking world for changed, the son of bitch got five dollars total. That was enough for a burger and a drink; which sounded like Heaven to me. I kept my word and walked into the nearest store and walked around looking for two beers that would be unseen if I put them in the top of my pants. I find the two beers that would least likely be seen if I walked out and slid them into the top of my pants. Of course, I didn't want to look obvious so, I bought a fifty cent pack of gum and walked out. I walked back to the motel and gave him the beers. I had just realized after all these years, I never knew his name and decided to ask him. He said his nickname was "Ryan the Lion". I busted out laughing when he said that. He gave me a smug look like I offended him or something. God, I needed that laugh! I made him walk with me to the local fast food place and got him to go inside and order my food. It was bad enough that I just stole beer from a store and I didn't need anymore people to see me than they already had. He brings me my food and I could barely even taste the food because it was gone just like that. We headed back to the hotel and I asked him if he knew where I could borrow a gun from and he told me that he knows a dude that loans people guns for 24 hours but I would have to do something in order for him to trust me. I asked if he could set up a meeting and he said he would. I thanked him and asked if it was cool, if I hung around with him today. He shook his head and we just chilled in the room all day. I asked if he could call the dude so, I can get this over with. He calls up the dude and he explains to him that I need to borrow a gun. He looks at me and says: "What do you need the gun for"? I froze up and my mind instantly started racing. I had to come up with something quick so, I said I needed it for protection. I could've slapped myself for saying that. They bought it though because the dude wanted to discuss details later that night. I thank "Ryan the Lion" and headed to my appointment. The walk was way longer than I expected but I finally made it there. I walk into what looked like an old warehouse and met two tall guys at this door. I told them my name and that I had an appointment. They let me walk through and I see a guy sitting in a red velvet chair. The scene looked pretty odd but I wasn't judging! I tell him my name and shake his hand. He tells me his name is Jack and he wanted to hear why I needed a gun. I lied and said it was for my protection and that I've been feeling like something or someone was after me. He was silent for a few then said: "Alright, I'll let you borrow a gun but only under one circumstance". I said what's that and he said: "You have to threaten this guy that owes me a lot of money. I want you to threaten him real bad". I agreed and he gave me the address and the gun but he sent one of his "goons" with me to make sure I wasn't playing him. We drive to the place where this guy lives and I get out and knock on the door. After the third knock, the door opens and I ask if he was "Paul Bullard". He says yes and I barge in and grab him by his collar and throw him against the wall. I scream: "If you don't go see Jack, I'm going to personally cut each of your vital organs out and shove them down your throat then cut each finger off, one by one. I know I scared the fuck out of this guy because he was shaking all over. I look at him and say: "Don't make me come do it because I will so, go see Jack or you'll be choking on your own organs!" He agreed to meet and I walked back to the car and tell him what Paul said. We shake heads and head our seperate ways. I make it to the treehouse and drop to my knees. Now, all is left is to make that fucking rat pay for what he did. I'm going to sleep. I'll write some more later, if I can.

Until Next Time.


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