Chapter Eighteen

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Today's Date: October 24, 2011

Dear Journal,

I woke up with my body stiff as a board. I knew sleeping in that treehouse wouldn't be easy but I didn't think it would be this bad but then again, I never think. Stretching didn't help it none except for making my back cramp up. I climbed down the steps, back onto the ground and gave an attempt into popping my back. The only two things that were on my mind, were: Bryan and seeking my revenge. Walking back to the road was peaceful and quiet. The quiet gave me time to think about how exactly I was going to do this and still be on the run because I will not give up and I mean it this time. It'll be over my dead body before I go back into that piece of shit. When I started hearing cars going up and down the road, I knew I was back into town; where all the noise is during the day. I just have to stay low without being seen to much. I wish I had someone to turn to because I needed money to get all the items I need for my plan to succeed. I can probably go another day or so without eating but I would need to find food, sooner or later. Walking past the gas station, that Trevor, Amber, and I robbed didn't phase me none. Most people would've said "It sent chills down my spine" but I'm not going to sugar coat anything. It didn't phase me that I killed someone; it didn't phase me that I'm on the run. The only thing that did phase me was Bryan. My only best friend and he betrayed me and that's what really hurt me. In order for him to understand how he hurt me, I have to show him how he hurt me. I'm not saying, I'm someone you should be afraid of; I lied, maybe people should be afraid of me. Maybe, I should be afraid of myself but that's another problem, I fear nothing. As, I was walking past the sleazy motel; a familiar voice called out my name. I turn around to see who it was and it was none other than that fucking crack head that begs everybody for spare change so, he can run inside the store and buy himself a cold one. I run up to him and place my hands over his mouth; telling him to not be screaming my name and to not tell anyone that he seen me. I had to threaten him so, I told him I'd snap his fucking neck like a twig, if I heard of him telling people he had seen me. I asked him what he wanted and he wanted some damn change. I could bust his head wide open, right now but I don't need that kind of attention on me so, I just clenched my jaw and walked away. Sleazy bastard fucked up my train of thought. I keep walking and taking side roads until I was a mile from Bryan's driveway. I decide to spy on him and see what he has going on so, I slide into these thick ass bushes and just watch the little rat. His parents leave right before it gets dark to go see Bryan's grandpa who is in the local nursing home. They have been doing that, every day for three years straight. Even though, his parents left and the little rat was in the house, all alone but I just couldn't force myself to move. I don't know why I couldn't but I just wouldn't move. Maybe, that's a sign; that tonight is not the night. I slid out of the bushes and started back towards the treehouse. I took a few shortcuts on the way there. I finally arrive to the treehouse after walking for twenty minutes. I got to clear my mind. I'll write some more later.

Until Next Time,


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