Chapter Six

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Today's Date: September 12, 2011

Dear Journal,

Bryan finally called me back so, I jumped up and ran out the door. He told me that I done some major damage to Louis and that Louis' family was pressing charges so, I knew where I was headed. Bryan said the cops were looking for me because they wanted to "question" me on why I did what I did but I called bullshit, instantly. I know they wanted me to turn myself in so, they can lock me away again and I refuse to go back down that path. Bryan told me that he thinks I should go talk to the cops because he thinks it would be best for me. I told him that I wasn't going to talk to them and that was that. All he could say was "I'm just looking out for you. I mean you did beat his ass pretty badly and that I needed to man up and do what was right". I know he's just looking out for me but I just can't do it again. He doesn't know what it's like on the inside. Everyone thinks they do until they hear the metal doors click shut and when I say that sound will last forever, I mean it! I told Bryan that I needed to think about it but who am I fooling? I already made my mind up and that was to continue running until I couldn't run anymore. We said our farewells and then I went back inside to Trevor, Amber, and our amazing friend Crystal. Everything was chill until we all get this bright ass idea to go rob the gas station where we met. We needed the cash bad and I needed it way more than anyone but I wasn't going to tell them that. We arrived to the gas station right before closing time and threw on our ski masks and grabbed the guns. The plan was for Trevor and Amber to hold up the guy running the store and I was to run behind the counter and empty the register in under seventy seconds. We walk in and they scream "Hands up and don't move a muscle. This can go smooth or bumpy. You choose your fate!" I ran behind the counter as planned and that's when things got messy. The guy tried wrestling the gun out of my hand so, I blasted that bitch and watched as the guy fell to the ground. He was grasping for air as the blood poured out of the bullet hole. I grabbed all the money out of the register and grabbed a few drinks and snacks on the way out. When I got back to the car, it was like I was in a daze. All I could think about was the gun going off and the man slowly falling down, over and over again. I thought to myself for a second: "Well, Vince! You fucked up again. Might as well add that charge to the list while I'm at it. God, how could I be so stupid? Murder, really? What the fuck?!" We speed off back to Trevor's house. We get out and split the cash three ways. I instanly ran out the house when I got the money and sped off. Thinking about the same thing over and over again. I reach over to the bag of chips that had fallen out of the bag as we was getting into the car and start eating away. Trying anything to get the scene out of my mind. I wish I had a normal life like the ones on TV; where all the family is together and everyone gets a long but no, I always get the fucked up situations handed to me on a silver platter. Well, I better head back to Trevor's place. I need the rest if I'm leaving again tomorrow. I'll write when I get a chance..

Until Next Time,


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