Chapter Thirteen

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Today's Date: October 10, 2011

Dear Journal,

This week has been a complete blur to me. I have been so out of it for the past few days and I know what has been causing it. These "lovely" nurses have been giving me these pills to help with my problems but in reality, all they have been doing is making me sleep majority of the day and all night. The only time I am awake is to eat and socialize which is only for about an hour then it's back to sleep I go. I know I told myself I wouldn't be one of these people that they can give me shots and make me swallow pills but I let my guard down and that's what I have become. I stopped taking my medicine today and everytime the nurse comes in, I pretend to be asleep while she checks the room out. The bitch thinks she is a slick one but she's fucking with the wrong one. It's quiet for the most part but I can hear the nurses up the hall; chatting about how much of a slut they are. Ever since I started hiding my pills in my mattress this morning, I've been thinking about ways of escaping this sorry place and exposing it to the world without being caught. My plans so far have been amateur but I know in the next few days, something will happen that will allow me to sneak away without being caught by the nurses. I wonder if Will and CJ has ever thought about escaping but I don't know if they are trustworthy yet but I'll dig deeper into them during rec when we can hang out. The smoke coming from the far end of the asylum keeps catching my eye and I tend to get lost in a daze. I keep having flashbacks from the party at Livingston Forrest and the gas station until something always snaps me out of it. Bryan and the other snitches keep popping up in the back of my head but I kill them out like I plan to if I can get my hands on them. They should've known not to fuck with me in the first place but everyone makes and pays for their mistakes. I can't help but laugh when I think about how stupid those fuckers are. One minute, they are my friends and then the next, they are on my hit list. I can't think about them anymore, I just can't. I don't even know why they have TV's in this fucked up place; it stays on one channel and it makes you want to hang yourself because it plays the same thing, every motherfucking hour. I keep feeling like someone's watching me from a distance but everytime I look, nobody is in sight. Maybe, I'm starting to get paranoid about what they're doing to me and these people. I don't really have a fucking clue, anymore because these people are fucking with my life. I could really go for a cigarette right now because my nerves are through the fucking roof. Rec is coming soon so, I should probably pretend to be asleep. I'll write some more later if I can. I don't want to fuck up my plan.

Until Next Time,


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