Chapter 1. The idea

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( Hey everyone, this is the author really quick. Yeah i will just say that i would appreciate if you guys didn't make any sexualized comments (ik how you guys are -_-) And also, if George or/and Dream feel uncomfortable with this, or gives a sign, that they don't like this being up, i will delete it immediately. Thx for your time, enjoy the fanfic :) )

- George's stream -

"No! No Dream your actually gonna kill me!" George shouted. One click leaded to another, and soon George was dead. "NOOO!! DREAM" George shouted. A big wheezing came from the other end, and George started giggling. "So- Sorry George i just-" Another weeze came, and George died of laughter. The chat laughed with them, with spamming "lol" and "lmaooo".

It got late, and George got tired. "It's getting late". "Yeah" Dream confirmed. George could here him sitting up, and using his last energy, saying his goodbyes. "Bye guys, it was fun to hang with you, thx for hitting the sub goal, it's absolutely crazy!" George said as he ended the stream.

He laid over too his bed, looking at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep, and most of all, he just wanted to here Dreams voice. But he couldn't call him. Dream would just think he was annoying. But it was so boring to just lay here. He decided to text him.

- George's phone -


Hi Dream sorry I'm texting
so late, i just can't sleep

It's fine, you okay? Wanna

Sure :)


George's pov:

He wanted to talk this late? It's the middle of the night, he should be sleeping. How should I talk? Should I be like 'Heeey' or is that too much? Ugh if he just wasn't so damn-
*Buzz buzz*

"Hey Dream"
"Hi George, how are you?"
"I'm good, a bit tired but okay. How about you"
"I'm good too thx"

They talked for a long time, and they began to get really tired.

"I'm tired" George said softly. At this time, they've talked so long, that they now just lay, and tried holding each other awake. "Me too" Dream said, even more softly. "I wish I could hug you right now". George freezed when he realized he just said that out loud.

Dreams pov:
"I wish I could hug you right now". Huh? What? WHAT?! Did George just say, what i think he did? What should I say now? "I- I didn't mean too-" George then said, with a little regret in his voice. "It's fine" i said, trying not to make him notice all the butterflies that filed my stomach right now. "Sorry.." He then said, with even more regents. He was sorry? Sorry for what! This was the best thing happening for me, in a long time! "It's fine, i- i liked it" i then said trying to play it cool. Inside of me i screamed, but George stemmed not to notice. "You sure did".

- Time skip to the next day -

The clouds were grey, and some water started to drip down from the sky. A big light came and woke George up with a shook. He looked confused around, and figured out, that it probably was just a lightning.

He walked down to the kitchen to get some food. He wasn't actually really hungry, but maybe at least some coffee. *Bling* His phone lightet up. It was a text from Dream. 'Hey George i have an surprise for you. Lock on discord'  There stood. George looked confused on his phone, but decided to still go upstairs to his computer.

"Hi Dream what is all this about?". "I want you to come over here to Sapnap and me" Dream said with alot of confidence. He wasn't really nervous, after yesterday night. What George said, still played in his head. I wish i could hug you right now. "Yeah me too" Dream said, daydreaming about it.

"Did you say something?" George said. He woke Dream up from his daydreaming. "Oh, no. Do you wanna come?". "Wait you mean it?". George didn't understand. "Yeah of course you idiot!" Dream laughed. George was sweet. Really sweet.

"Okay so here's the plan" Dream said, so he could think about something else. "I'm buying you a plane ticket, so you can come over here". "That's a good idea, you just had one thing wrong" Geroge said "It's me who Is paying for the ticket". He started typing. "Too late" Dream said calm. He knew that George was in the middle of trying finding a ticket. "Dream!". "It was me inviting you" Dream said. "Your such an idiot".

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