Chapter 2. See you later

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( Hey everyone, this is the author really quick. Yeah i will just say that i would appreciate if you guys didn't make any sexualized comments (ik how you guys are -_-) And also, if George or/and Dream feel uncomfortable with this, or gives a sign, that they don't like this being up, i will delete it immediately. Thx for your time, enjoy the fanfic :) )

- One month later -

George just finished packing. He was on his way to the airport, to get the flight. He was a little stressed, even tho he wasn't late. When he thought about it, it's maybe wasn't even the time he was stressed about, but more the fact that he was gonna meet Dream. And Sapnap ofc. Dream and Sapnap lived together, they've did that since meet the 5th time. George was always so jealous when they meet up.

- Time skip -

The flight landed. George took his phone out, to directly text Dream. He could feel his sweaty hands, and his heart beats getting faster. Nothing could calm him down right now. *Bling* Dream answered with "Okay, I'm here now :)". The pilot said in the speakers, that they could go out now, and take they're luggage.

There was many people around George, and he couldn't see anything. He sat down at a bench, and exhaled. What might Dream look like? Geroge thought to himself, to think about something else. He couldn't think more about it, before his phone started to ring. It was Dream.

"Hi Dream, were are you?"
"I'm over here, im weaving"
"Umm" George looked around and tryed finding him. He then saw a high, handsome, dirty blonde haired man, in a yellow hoodie. It couldn't be-

"George can you see me?" A voice interrupt his thoughts. "Y- yeah" George said, and couldn't believe it was actually him. People was getting out, and Dream and George was some of the last people back. George slowly started going over to Dream. He hung up, and started running over to his friend. Dream took his arms out, to hug George tight.

It felt so good to hug Dream

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It felt so good to hug Dream. He was tall, but not too tall. They stood there and hugged for some time. It felt warm and comfortable, and safe. George started letting go, to look at Dream.

George was not tall. Dream could see that. He looked George in his eyes. His brown eyes. "Hi" Dream said, to stop the awkward silence. "Hey" George said, while looking up at Dream.

- Time skip -

"That's the entrance, and that's the kitchen, and that's the Sapnap-" "SAPNAP!" "GEROGE!". George and Sapnap gave each other a big hug, and Dream just stood and watched them. He was really happy, and thought about how cute George looked. After the hug he said "Okay, it's late, we should probably go get some dinner". "Shouldn't George pack out?" Sapnap reminded Dream. "Oh yeah i forgot" Dream said "But we dosn't have any guest rooms". He looked worried at Sapnap, that looked at George with a smirk. "Then you two can share a room" Sapnap admit "Cuz you have the biggest bed". George blushed. Dream noticed, and started giggling. "No idea why not"
He then assumed, and looked at George, that had a big smile on his face.

George packed out, and they now sat at the kitchen counter. Or George actually sat on the counter, cuz 'that was alot more easy' he said. "I think we should get some pizza" Sapnap decided. "Pizza sounds great" Dream said, and looked at George, that noodled. "Pizza it is" Sapnap said, and took his phone.

- Time skip -

They all laid on the couch. They're stomach hurted, cause they were so full. Sapnap laid on his stomach, and watched the tv, with a phone in his hand. George sat beside Dream. Sapnap couldn't see any of them. George strated getting pretty tired, and without noticing, he laid his head on Dream's shoulder. Dream did notice, and started getting all red. He took his arm around George. He didn't know why, it just felt right. George looked up at Dream. "Hi" Dream said and looked George in his beautiful brown eyes. George laid his head down again, cuz he started blushing. Dream started giggling. George giggled too, but nervous. He didn't wanna ruin anything. Sapnap was already asleep, so he didn't here, or see anything.

Dream started getting really tired, and wanted to lay down. George already was half asleep, so Dream spin around, and laid down. George was sleepy, and didn't want Dream to move, so he just moved with him. It ended up with Dream laying on the couch, with George sleeping on his chest. Dream could feel his heart going crazy. He was in love...

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