the 1st day -2

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James on seeing the Jameson and Lily
Talking and laughing together happily
After herbology they were now sitting in the great hall for the lunch
And Harry was sitting with Lily, Frank, and Alice. Talking about whatsoever .

James glared down the table.

Alright, he'd pretty much hated Severus Snape since they had met on the train to Hogwarts in his first year. Ever since that day he'd been positive that there was no one he could hate more. The Slimy slytherin seemed to go out of his way to piss him off. They were simply opposites, oil and water.

Well, he'd been wrong. In the space of a few hours Harry Jameson was rising to the top of his 'people I hate list'. (He actually had a list, something that made Moony roll his eyes.)

"I can't believe he's sharing a dorm with us," James fumed aloud.

Remus said nothing, this was the third time James had said something to this effect. The first time he had offered a hesitant defense. Now he didn't even try.

"I know mate, maybe we can convince him to transfer away eh?" Sirius suggested with a feral grin.

"You really think we can?" Peter asked in between bites of sandwich.

Remus stared into his food and tried to ignore the eagerness of all three boys.

"It couldn't be that hard," reflected James. "We don't even have to find a way to sneak into his dorm room."

Remus was convinced that arguing the point wouldn't solve anything. James and Sirius, with Peter tagging along, would find some way to torment their new dorm mate. Maybe he could switch houses?

Cause either way you looked at it, Harry  was doomed.

"Double Care of Magical Creature?" Harry said aloud. Lily had given him her schedule, and he was examining it thoughtfully. He couldn't recall ever having a double Magical Creatures class.

"It's your NEWT year," Lily explained with a reasonable voice. "Apparently Professor Kettlerburn is going to be handling very dangerous creatures."

Harry fought a smile. Maybe his previous experiences would leave him better prepared. Hagrid's idea of tame had included three-headed dogs and dragons. "I suppose it makes sense," he agreed with Lily. "Also only once a week,"he said with a shrug.

Perhaps it wouldn't be too bad to spend the afternoon outside. "I guess you're headed to Arithmancy," Harry stated. Given the choice he knew where he'd rather be.

"Yep," Lily said with a grin. She seemed honestly excited about it, no one had mentioned that his mother was mad.

Alice and Frank had left earlier, Lily had mentioned something about the future Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom finding a good broom closet. So, Harry and Lily walked out of the Great Hall together.

Lily looked up when she spotted a retreating back exiting the front doors, "Remus," she called to her fellow prefect.

She got no response from the sandy haired boy. Turning to Harry she tried to grin reassuringly. "Maybe he didn't hear me," she said.

"Sure," Harry replied knowingly. "I'm sure I can find my way, see you at dinner tonight?"

"Okay, well have a good lesson and try and avoid those Marauders. It's just like them to plan a prank with dangerous magical creatures around." Her voice had taken on a somewhat maternal tone.

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